It's bothering me why the s8n dig led to an innocent party.I was here when the owner of @s8n posted his video. What was the point of it?
Ok. Fair point.
This is insane! Why the fuck are they still being used?
That woman at the end saying people who highlighted the issue were being called conspiracy thetheorists. People are waking up.
And you could have read the bread, seen it was discussed and not been a whiney little cunt.
Stop crying.
This is fake news. There was no age of consent in france before the law change and now it is 15. Its ridiculous you all believe this from the mouth of trolls.
It should be at least 16 but before that there was no age consent.
Did you see Stanley saying practically what you just said?
Fake and gay
Probably all ready posted but just in case.
Senator Mark Warner Proposes the End of Free Speech – The Revenge of Hillary
Warner’s paper suggests outlawing companies who fail to label bots and impose Draconian criminal penalties and huge fines. Effectively, he wants people to pay for everything. He wants full disclosure regarding ANY online political speech. He even wants the Federal Trade Commission to have unbelievable power and require all companies’ algorithms to be audited by the feds as if they even have qualified staff to conduct such audits. On top of that, he has proposed tech platforms above a certain size MUST turn over internal data and processes to “independent public interest researchers” so they can identify potential “public health/addiction effects, anticompetitive behavior, radicalization,” scams, “user propagated misinformation,” and harassment—data that could be used to “inform actions by regulators or Congress.” This is a complete violation of both the First and Fourth Amendment. They want the same mechanisms in Europe where anyone can complain and demand the content be taken down or subject to fines that can confiscate all assets.
Paper at end of article.