Those muh joo sliders really fucked up last breads.
Lol muh book again. Which is of course "verifiable truth" unlike the other books and documentaries and historians who just invent stuff and never back it up in a varifiable way.
As always. No comments on the uncomfortable q crumbs and the oxymoron of good jews who keep jewish faith vs "judaism" as a "supremacist ideology". You cant dance in 2 wedding at the same time. If there are many "good jews" then the "judaism" is much less a monochromatic "supremacist" ideology and much more diverse.
Keep on shilling with you low iq posting, hope you are paid well.
Q post #936
>The Nazi order.
>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
Q post #938
>N does not refer to Nazi.
>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
>Events will clarify.
>Think subgroup
divide you try fail you will
If the entire jewish ideology is supremacist at its core then potus wouldnt have let his daughter marry a jew and convert to it. Also he wouldnt have surrounded himself with jewish friends.
You have absolutely no idea about the diversity and many branches of judaism as well as on the fact the many ethnic jews are secular and dont follow any religion.
Your weak manipulations and low iq are a laughing material, really a disgrace for clown shills.
All your posts are the same spam and copypasta from a selected documentary, selected conspiracy book and a selected single historian who are the only sources that are "verifiable" while all others are "lies". Do you really consider this board to be made of pathetic morons?
And of course you always avoid discussion on hard inconvenient topics.
Fuck off clown shill.
There is no ideology you pathetic shill. Judaism is as diverse as christianity or even more. Some branches completely deny the talmud e.g.
You consider this board to be made of idiots such as yourself, although in fact you are a paid clown. WHAT MAKES YOU MUH BOOK BETTER THAN OTHER REFERENCED SOURCES? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. YET YOU "TRUST" BUT DENY OTHERS.
I already spotted a lie in the "book". I know israelis, they study general roman and greek history as well as the judean history of that time. This book cites baseless rumors.
As for the jew vs goy, if you think that the average normie jew or israeli believes in this shit. You are wrong. Only religious sheep believe in it, as those who are not sheep take from judaism the more universal and family oriented traditions. As for circumcision, there is an actual movement in israel against it. People should be allowed to freely practice these benign religious traditions (i personally am against it).
As always, fuck off division shill. You lost
They are soros puppets.
Most jews actually support the russian side and view the ukrainian government as racist as they celebrate the murderer and hitler supporter Bandera. Btw iam russian.
Run by cabal you mean, as they glorify Bandera who murdered jews. Most normie jews support the russians, just like crimea actually voted for putin.
If the "jews" own it, it means that ivanka and other trump jewish friends - patriots are also on the ownership list, right?
Oh guess that doesnt fit the shilling narative, doesnt it?
Oy vey so much pilpul.
There is no "judaism" as it has many different branches including those that denounce the talmud. Also there are many jews who are completely secular. Nice of you to ignore it and talk about muh juadaism muh zionism and other highlight words.
A very low iq shilling individual. Fuck off.
Now that is full force retarded mode lol
I push for progressive soros shit? Lol
I denounced it million times. Oy vey i guess you lost with pilpul so now you just lie. Fuck off shill, i finished my job here.
Here is a nice "verifiable" collection of q crumbs for the new lurkers:
Q post #939
>So Hitler was a puppet of the controlling >families of the NWO?
Q post #142
>What happened during WWII?
>Was Hitler a puppet?
>Who was his handler?
>What was the purpose?
>What was the real purpose of the war?
Q post #936
>The Nazi order.
>NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
Q post #938
>N does not refer to Nazi.
>The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.
>Events will clarify.
>Think subgroup
divide you try fail you will
Shimon peres was the ellitest of all israeli deep state. Those israelis in the know call him "the darkest political figure in israeli history". The israeli deep state controlls hollywood, plus the mossad has some players there to this i can agree.
The torah talks about the covenant between abraham and god. The sons of abraham formed the 12 tribes. Judea was just one of the tribes.
If you think that secular jews follow the torah, or that even traditional jews believe everything in the torah, then you are an utter moron. A clueless shill on a division mission. Fuck off clown.
Lol you are a subversive little shill. It is so much fun seeing you squirm.
So you answer the famous q way of socratic questions with a "no" after "no" lol
Whats with the follow up questions? Whats with the other crumbs?
By educating you on the complexity of judaism and the diversity of jewish people you call me a pro soros progressive? Lol thats a new low iq record even for you.
Fuck off shill, and keep squirming for the soros $$
Those who generalize about jews, zionists etc have no idea what they are talking about. Reality is much more complex. My guess is that the global cabal controls hollywood. Israeli deep state (hated in israel by most) is part of this cabal, and mossad (maybe rogue cells) have some hwood people on their string due to leverage or some loyalty.
Oy vey you again adressed only 3 lines out of my reply. A weak weak shill.
Keep on squirming clown, we see right through you and you dirty pockets.
Those who follow the orah blindly are sheep just like other who follow texts blindly. If you want to ban stuff you dont like, than it is soros territory for you shill.
People should stop being sheep and blindly following books and ideologies (sounds familiar clown - it applies to the character you portray shilling here).
Fuck off clown and squirm some moar.
Lol you really think so?
He would let his daughter marry a jew and convert for this? Lol