Thank you, Baker!
Do other anons consider yesterday's news about Rep. Keith Ellison being a woman beater this week's first BOOM? I sure do.
USS Richard B. Russel, name of sub that was commissioned wasn't and was claimed by the cabal.
Richard B. Russel, name of pilot killed in crash of a Q400 plane.
Could the plane have been a distraction from the mil locating and destroying that sub?
Setting France up to be a sanctuary country for the pedophiles of the west. I'm going to be keeping track of Pedowood pedos packing up and moving there.
The UK is a given pedo haven, didn't know about Germany though. Thanks, anon. I'll be keeping an eye on moves there too.
I wonder how true this article is. Claims Buzzfeed, Wapo, and NYT have had the unredacted FISA for a year.