Anonymous ID: 377a6d Aug. 13, 2018, 4:04 a.m. No.2581063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1123 >>1160 >>1198 >>1277 >>1369 >>1401 >>1430 >>1645

Posted this in the last bread, posting it again and maybe more


After reading all the stuff here, i have to say, it is a lot like gamer gate.

Anyone who is aware of the history of GG from the perspective of anon …

>(see here: this is a link to all happenings since the beginning of GG, archived for eternity. It is a lot to read but it gives you a full understanding on how the MSM operates and what kind of shill groups are out there. Things like a brazil journo doxxing anita on purpose or DARPA/DIGRA influence into the industry)

… might also see the pattern all they way up the ladder.

>the hint giving once by wikileaks:

While anons during GG took a closer look on all bias journos, a list was made with each individual and an archived proof of their wrong doings;

From cronyism to corruption, secret email lists and pushed agendas. It is all there.


But why i am tellling this? Welp, i see Q posting like this



>who do they report to?

>This Twitter acct was referenced for a very specific reason.

and it actually gives me the chills.


During GG anons faced armies of bots, right from the beginning when the first tweet with the hashtag was made. With the software tool tweetdeck anons were able to see the tweets in real time, i also used it and made an extra colum for the hashtag. I saw a lot of the journos, their friends, bots and so on, making all the same tweet, like a pasta bot or something. When taking a closer look the their friends and how they connect to each other, you started to notice that they use always a second account or a bot filtering the tweets, a bot everyone would follow just so they don't have to friend each other, cutting all connection to each other.

They took a bot, called it something like GGNews, this bot retweeted and followed everyone pro-GG, the bot itself was followed by all those anti-GG folks. The reason why this was made like this, to monitor all pro-GG people since the hashtag and the pro-GG people itself where shadowbanned, in case something came up to counter the leak. You get the idea.

Anonymous ID: 377a6d Aug. 13, 2018, 4:20 a.m. No.2581106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1173

First i will make a take on shills.


I already saw your breads about shills and how to become aware of them. A great thread but there are a few things missing. First off all, where does all this knowledge come from. Here is basicly everything:

also known as COINTELPRO Techniques, many of you might already know it, i just try to cover all bases here.


But even this guide is missin a few tricks used by shills. During GG we saw a lot of shill activity and new ways to slide, all the way up to big AAA sliding coming from news outlets (Media blitz, strawman and what not)


for example:

>Bite the Bait post

this is actually sliding but within a bread

Consider a handfull of shills, one shill makes a bait post, the other shills bite it intentionally.

What happens is a slide. Each new anon coming in the thread faces now a labyrinth of conversations.

So, if you see a bait post got a lot of replies, you might consider those replies as shills too.


>The happening upon the happening

This is now something that goes beyond a bread or board, mostly manufactured outside and most of the time made by the media. You might already be in a happening thread where someting big took place and out of nowhere another happening took place, either within the happpening itself or outside. Most anons refer to it as

>another school shooting

because this pattern was used the most.

Since the beginning of happenings on the boards, anons actually remember each other to stay focused (stay focus)

This is why.

During GG, anons faced a lot of this kind of derail/slide from outside. The very well known "gamers are dead" media blitz, or the ominous nude leak of celebs. There are many examples, all archived in the history of GG. You can learn a lot from it;


>Co-opting & D&C

Immediately when a happening takes place and people come together you always can consider the group to be co-opted right away. Often by injecting fals information which also helps to derail and slide. But most important is the fact that it's help to divide the group. As soon you see more than one place where information can be shared you can consider this tactic already took place. Yes, the same goes for the Q's too. I already saw many other platform where groups come together. The bad part about this is, information no longer get directly shared and within an 'war of infromation' this can breake your neck immidiatley. Info war depends on how quicke an information is shared, we talk here about seconds or minutes.

Anonymous ID: 377a6d Aug. 13, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.2581124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1145 >>1170 >>1235 >>1308

Developed during GG

a list of shill tactics, you can replce the video game terms with any other terms and get the same results.



Watch out for shills.


SHILL TYPE: The Changer

>Guys we need a list of demands/goals!

>Guys we need to change the narrative!

>Guys we need a leader!

RESPONSE: Comprehensive rebuttal to all of these -


SHILL TYPE: The Fear Monger

>"I heard the SJWs are going to Doxx people"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.


SHILL TYPE: The Defeatist


RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.


SHILL TYPE: The Dismissive

>"Who fucking cares? Take it to /pol/"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.


SHILL TYPE: The False Flag

>"We should flood Zoe's twitter account and try to induce a meltdown"

RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.


SHILL TYPE: The Politico

>Inserts outside divisive issue into thread

RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post.


SHILL TYPE: The Discreditor

>"Anita Sarkeesian is such a filthy whore. I want to fucking murder her"

RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.


SHILL TYPE: The Misdirector

>"Hey guys, I found a totally legit chatlog with m00tykins in it"

>"Hey guys, Liana blah blah blah"

RESPONSE: Refocus. May be a misguided non-shill. Remind them and everyone else what the current actions and strategies are.


SHILL TYPE: The Uncertain

>"Guys, I don't know about this anymore. I don't know if we're getting anywhere."

RESPONSE: Encourage. May be a misguided non-shill. Inform them of any recent progress or successes.


SHILL TYPE: The Slider

>"The next poster is [insert name]. Do not believe it"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.


SHILL TYPE: The Self-Shiller

>[insert generic shill post] Responds to self with (You) next to reply number.

RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post. Carry on the current actions.


By following this guide we ensure that the shills can neither derail our discussion nor make us look bad by posting anonymous hateful diatribes which SJWs can quote for PR.

Anonymous ID: 377a6d Aug. 13, 2018, 4:46 a.m. No.2581191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1195

so far for the shill info, let me give you guys now some insider knowledge of GG.


In the beginning:

I was there, before the hashtag was made, forced to the chan by the heavy censoreship on plebbit. I had to learn it the hard way but at least i learned. I had a thread going on plebbit, the topic about bias journos, fake news and so on. It was about the question: Can we still trust gaming journalism. The thread was ok, it had a lot of conversation and everything seems comfy, meanwhile, outside of that box a fire took place and it was made bigger by another thread made shortly after mine. A well known game critic (totalbiscuit) made the thread, and while my thread was going normal, his thread got heavy censorship. Until i was shadowbanned and the thread got deleted too. I went to the chan to continue the disscuison about the bias in the MSM. Anons came up with the idea to leak all the archived proof of the wrongdoings to the public by going on twatter. Some hashtags already existed like #quinnspiracy and alike. They where to shitty to be used so we had to developed a new hashtag and pushed to the world trends.

>Here is some insiderknowledge

We had a list of hashtag to choose from, hashtags like journogate. First tag on the list was gamergate. While the vote for the tag went on, anons became more and more aware of the censorship on twatter, meaning, making a hashtag wouldn't work. Some anons came up with the idea to hijack the world trending hashtag. Immediately after this idea got more traction. Everyone started to say "don't do this" as if we had suddenly social experts in the thread. Shortly after that, the first tag was taken by adam baldwin and the whole idea fall apart.


Back then, we all weren't aware how deep the rabbit hole went. Not everyone was aware how deep jack (owner of twatter) actually manipulate the trends, tags and all that. Today, i am very well aware of it. Almost everyone within the GG happenings saw it. I can guess you guys are also aware of it by now because this manipulation took more than once place since GG.


Keep this in mind when going on twatter, information shared there might not go so far as you think.

Anonymous ID: 377a6d Aug. 13, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.2581242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1342

one last thing, gamejournopros


This was actually the straw the broke everything into the big happening, i don't know how i can stress this enough to you guys to actually read it.

Only Breitbard reported on it with the help of milo and oneangrygamer


But here is the thing, this is not the first secret email list and not the last one, there was a email list used by journos befor the GJP's

>The group was directly inspired by JournoList,

made by the same guy

>kyle orland

Q, trump and everyone who fights against the corrupt cronyism system needs to be aware of this, …just covering all bases here i hope you are already aware of this.


If you start to monitor these guys and their followers you might see a pattern and the very same people repling to trump tweets and so on.

This is not a coincidant.