Anonymous ID: 67d75e Aug. 13, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.2581777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935 >>2011 >>2050 >>2097 >>2198 >>2335 >>2561

I don't mind looking either however anons BE CAUTIOUS.



Science and medicine have proven that masturbation and sexual excess are injurious to health.


This was the opinion of nearly all physicians and scientist until the Freudian school secured its footing, which subverted the hard, experimental science and denied it completely. It foolhardily and simplistically dismissed this without any credulity and turned sex into an assumed to be harmless activity that had no physiological response!

Any student of medicine should realized how flawed that premise is!


Once again, modern physiological studies have vindicated the age-old research. Sexual activity is an energy intensive activity that releases a score of neurotransmitters, including "prolocatin". This put a break pedal on dopamine which is why men and lethargic and don't feel like doing anything after organism.


"But I need to".

This is a mistaken belief.

You need to throw up after gorging yourself, but only because you made the mistake of eating too much food.

Likewise, you need to relieve your libidinous urges only because you allowed your mind to dwell on sexual topics or have exposed yourself to sexual stimuli.


The political establishment/media complex/vice industries have a vested interest in keeping people stuck in unproductive, hypersexualized states of mind.

This is why pornography, masturbation, and hookups are promoted by these parties, and even said to be "healthy" which as you can clearly see by the evidence presented here is an absurd notion!!


To think watching porn does not affect us negatively is like saying great books, great paintings, and great plays have no ennobling effect on a man's conduct. Centuries of civilization and 10 minutes of common sense tell us otherwise.


Some food for thought:

Why is there so much porn for free?

Why are all porn industries owned by Jewish individuals?

What religion does the Tinder CEO Sean Rad identify with?

How does this correlate with the above questions?

Is Tinder free?

Has a Jew ever gave anything away for free? Kiddingnotkidding

How often is Porn interracial?

What caused the rise of feminism?

What body part do you immediately look at in the opposite sex?

What caused the rise of Incels?

What is sexual frustration?

What is sexual degeneracy?

What is normalization?

Why is there so many children beauty pageant shows?

Why are school systems introducing sexualized curriculums?

Define confusion.

Why is the LGBT movement so forced?

Why is there drag queen children?

What is happening here?