Anonymous ID: 7a3299 Aug. 13, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.2582365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2469



Outstanding work, anon. Hasbara agents and their useful idiots would prefer that we don't connect all the dots to reveal the big picture. I am sure you are more than familiar with their tactics. And because they have gotten away with being able to control the discourse for so long, many anons may not have had the chance to see the overwhelming body of evidence that indicates that the JQ is central to the project in which we are all involved here. Bringing all the pieces together slowly enables a critical mass of individuals to develop the necessary vocabulary to identify the key problems we face. There is no way that the ideology of Jewish supremacism does not play a huge role in all of this. As you rightly point out, that does not mean that all people who identify as Jewish are equally affected by that ideology. But there is clearly something in that ideology that has enabled Jews to dominate sectors such as international finance, the mainstream media, the film industry, the slave trade, pornography, and much more. We either accept their apparent belief that they are simply better at running our institutions than we are, or we begin to examine what it is within Jewish culture that has allowed this situation to arise, a situation that has clearly put our world in a very dire predicament. One would have to be blind or wilfully ignorant by now not to appreciate that Jewish dominance of our institutions - including the subservience of Congress to Jewish power clearly demonstrated by the many standing ovations given to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he last addressed Congress - tells us something very significant about the "global special interests" that candidate Donald Trump referred to in his Palm Beach speech, the one to which Q has referred us many times. It's time the scales dropped from the eyes of the world. There is no way that the Great Awakening will not reveal the truth about these matters. We are to seek the truth, for the truth shall set us free. It may not be all Jews, and it may not be only Jews, but it is clear that only a study of Jewish supremacism (which is present right from Old Testament times) and Jewish ideology will enable us to understand and analyse the behaviour and structure of the dark Cabal that has taken over our world. Keep up the good work. Knowledge is power!