Anonymous ID: 9cf343 Aug. 13, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.2582054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103 >>2118 >>2163 >>2403

>>2581784 (last bread at bottom)


SmartAnon wrote this:

"Anon think about it this way. The midterms were set for the finish line. Not the finish line for EVERYthing. But to get the ball rolling. The fist HUGE BOOM has to happen before midterms. But it has to happen when it will have the best effect…. and sadly that means closer to the midterms than farther from it. Also, the midterms are the cabals final hope to get off. If they win, they will relentlessly resist Trump, try and impeach him, shut down all investigations from Huber, Sessions, Horowitz etc. That being said, when they lose the midterms they will know their gig is really truly up for good, and will be loose cannons. Meaning the arrests need to happen right before midterms or right after midterms…. for the sake of the country's safety. Midterms are like 85-86 days away. The BOMB you want prob will not happen until mid October, but just take it one day at a time. Stop waking up in the morning looking at the news everyday for a BOOM. The stage is being set, and people far more intelligent than you or I have strategized this a loooooong time ago, and know the best time to do it."


This is spot on. We can't "shock and awe" the public! This will be a slow, steady un-peeling of a nasty smelling onion. Q will release just enough between now and November 6th to ensure that damn near no one would vote D. The parade (10th or 11th) will be a distraction while they shut down D.C. and grab the rats before they can jump ship. All outside arrests are likely already habbening and/or will quietly continue after the parade.


E.O. POTUS signed states that military tribunals can't start until January regardless.


My spouse keeps getting antsy for visible booms. I told him/her "if you liked the movie 'Titanic' so much and it was nearly three hours long, what parts would you cut if I told you to get it down to ninety minutes?" Same applies here.

Anonymous ID: 9cf343 Aug. 13, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.2582111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every single time we analyze these types of things, it becomes obvious (in hindsight) how Q maneuvers people into lose/lose situations.


Fucking glorious to witness!

Anonymous ID: 9cf343 Aug. 13, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.2582617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2636

Just putting this out there…


This morning on "Fox & Friends", Rudy said, "This week." When pressed, he hinted that Mueller's investigation end this week.


I take that to mean that the very moment Mueller announces they have nothing on Trump, the hammer swings the exact opposite direction and he tells what his team has REALLY been investigating for two years.


This might be the week TSHTF, fellow Anons.