Anyone taking naked pics of their children and posting them on social media, IS creepy.
Parent or not.
I’m inclined to agree. Same tactics they used blaming POTUS for “locking kids in cages,” before it was common knowledge the “separation” policy began w Clinton / Obama.
Same tactics they’re using to “normalize” paedophilia before the masses wake up and realize how deep and dark this child sexual abuse system runs….globally.
Same tactics they are using w “Russian collusion” allegations against POTUS…blame him for collusion committed by them.
Use Antifa / Open Borders groups to call POTUS supporters Nazi’s - when they are the fascists.
Standard operating procedures for these pedoliberal, globalist ass-kissing, evil f#cks.
Prediction - Avenatti (or some other scumbag Atty.) will help that psycho file a wrongful termination suit…..