Late last bread.
Went through many of the videos. The video titled "Names" listed these people:
Hillary Clinton
John Podesta
Mitch McConnell
Harvey Weinstein
Chuck Shumer
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
<pic related
Late last bread.
Went through many of the videos. The video titled "Names" listed these people:
Hillary Clinton
John Podesta
Mitch McConnell
Harvey Weinstein
Chuck Shumer
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump
<pic related
Agreed listening to it it felt less emotional than forced. Hard to say, as you said no sauce just gut.
If it isn't taken down by now also lends to suspicion. Not saying it isn't possible, but definitely needs more evidence.
First video 5 months ago.
<Pic related
Name is Jennifer Guskin
A Maryland couple followed the advice of their doctors, and now their baby has been taken away from them by Child Protective Services.
First time parents, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls, were concerned about their baby’s weight, but none of the three pediatricians they consulted noticed that baby Iris had a tongue and lip tie.
By the time they found a doctor who figured it out, CPS had already decided to take their baby from them.
Jennifer Guskin
VOP referenced her channel:
Arizona Veterans Group Calls Out Local Law Enforcement and Mayor for Covering Up Pedophile Trafficking
Scott P McFalls & Jennifer L. Guskin (McFalls)
City: Reisterstown, Maryland
Relatives: Thomas Vernon McFalls, Jill Hoffmaster McFalls, Jennifer L McFalls