Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2584214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4323 >>4328 >>4412 >>4638 >>4834 >>4881

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine


Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces


A group of more than 40 human rights activists have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice, demanding the cessation of Israeli arms exports to Ukraine.


They argue that these weapons serve forces that openly espouse a neo-Nazi ideology and cite evidence that the right-wing Azov militia, whose members are part of Ukraine’s armed forces, and are supported by the country’s ministry of internal affairs, is using these weapons.


An earlier appeal to the Defense Ministry was met with no response.


The ministry’s considerations in granting export licenses for armaments are not disclosed to the public, but it appears that the appearance of Israeli weapons in the hands of avowed neo-Nazis should be a consideration used in opposing the granting of such a license.


Nevertheless, this is not the first time in which the defense establishment is arming forces that embrace a national socialist ideology.


In the past, Israel has armed anti-Semitic regimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentina, which murdered thousands of Jews in camps while its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns.



Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2584222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4323



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Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.2584281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>4323 >>4354 >>4412 >>4638 >>4834 >>4881

ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC COLLAPSE: How Putin Sandbagged Netanyahu


Resulting from Russia’s declaration that it would be establishing eight militarized outposts along the de facto Syria-Israel border, the UN has been prodded into action, and is re-engaging its own responsibilities to monitor the region. The UN previously was unable to perform, due to pressure from the US, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia chiefly, to pressure the UN not to guard the demilitarized zone.


The result of a lacking UN presence was that the area was more easily used by Israel to provide safe harbor, arms, equipment, and medical care to Al-Qaeda and ISIS groups, under these and several related brands. Russia has been looking for a solution ever since. With the US’s waning influence in the region, and significantly reduced force projection capacity, we entered into a new period.


This had the effect of sending the Zionist entity scrambling in order to seek a better deal, attempting to triangulate US-Russia tensions and the proxy war between the two multi-polar powers in the region. Israel has considerable pull on some pillars of Russian power, enough so that it is able to build its move of desperation into the creation of the perception both domestically and internationally, that its moves here are proactive, and demonstrate an expansion of Israeli power.


Whether a line trotted for domestic consumption or international consumption or both, Israel trumps that it is not only controlling the US Congress through AIPAC and other deeper mechanisms upon the deep state, such as through banking and through pedophile kompromat, but ostensibly also the Russian Duma. A large portion of Israel’s population today are also Russian and former Soviet citizens, holding two passports. In addition, a statistically disproportionate number of Russia’s capitalist class are also Israeli citizens.



Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.2584318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4412 >>4638 >>4649 >>4834 >>4881

Scorned FBI Lover Lisa Page Torched Cheating FBI Partner Peter Strzok; “Lisa is on a Warpath”


In the end, Peter Strzok’s FBI lover Lisa Page “sold out” the FBI executive and divulged many improprieties he was involved in along with other FBI brass, according to FBI insiders.


Strzok was fired today from the FBI.


FBI insiders said Page, his former lover, was “instrumental in getting him terminated.”


“Lisa is on a warpath,” one former colleague said. “She is not done either.”


Fired FBI leaders Andrew McCabe, James Comey and other current FBI leaders like Bill Priestap could be on deck, according to officials familiar with Page’s congressional testimony in hearings and private sessions with her attorney.


Strzok, FBI sources said, is the target of several investigations.


And more could be on the horizon, according to Congressional investigators who spoke to True Pundit’s Thomas Paine.


Lisa Page is angry, according to her associates inside FBI HQ in D.C.


“Remember you guys (True Pundit) had the story where McCabe was going to burn down the FBI?” one agent said. “You may want to rewrite it for Lisa Page. I think she could bring it all down on their heads.”


That’s the word on the street. Page is angry and willing to testify against everyone linked to losing her FBI career.


If her House testimony is any indication, that spells trouble for the Deep-State Sanhedrin. After Page testified, True Pundit reported China had hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails when she was Secretary of State.


That is something James Comey and Robert Mueller — two former FBI chiefs spanning the time frame of the hacks — never told Congress. Why?


What else does Page know?


Plenty. And everything about Andrew McCabe.


Some FBI insiders said Page has gotten a bad reputation because people only know her by her text exchanges with FBI Agent Peter Strzok, but Page is a capable, bright lawyer, according to FBI insiders.


And she knows almost all the FBI’s dirty little secrets.


A very dangerous woman, indeed.


Even Fox’s Catherine Herridge touched on Page’s inflammatory testimonies.


“Lawmakers are aware of new records after the recent closed-door depositions from FBI agent Peter Strzok and his former colleague and lover FBI lover Lisa Page.” Catherine Herridge said. “Lawmakers are now seeking records related to the controversial Trump dossier. An internal FBI file documenting bureau efforts to verify the salacious allegations.”

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.2584335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4338 >>4348 >>4392 >>4412 >>4467 >>4638 >>4834 >>4881

TOM FITTON: FBI Has Ignored Our Requests for McCabe Emails — Because They Know They “Will Blow It Wide Open” (VIDEO)


Fitton called Strzok’s firing a “body blow” to the Mueller investigation!


Tom Fitton also dropped another bomb on the Deep State FBI.


Fitton told FOX News the FBI is stalling turning over text messages from Andrew McCabe because they contain as much damning information as the Strzok-Page text messages.


Tom Fitton: We are currently battling the FBI for the text messages of Andrew McCabe, the number two at the FBI, he was corruptly fired. And when you look back at the FBI and the Department of Justice during the Obama administration you have Comey fired for misconduct, Andrew McCabe fired for misconduct, Strzok fired for misconduct. Lisa Page demoted. All who had a hand in this Russia investigation that Mr. Mueller is now running with. Mr. Mueller needs to be questioned frankly about how he used Mr. Strzok and why he was let go and why no one was told about it for months, the reason behind why he was being let go mainly his anti-Trump biases uncovered by the text messages… We are asking for the (McCabe) text messages on behalf of a retired FBI agent, Jeffrey Dannon, about the Clinton email investigation. We suspect he was texting, Andrew McCabe, like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page about the Clinton email investigation and we suspect there’s going to be some interesting material there… You can bet they are just like the Strzok and Lisa Page text messages and will blow it wide open.

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2584365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4371 >>4412 >>4638 >>4834 >>4881



US-backed SDF’ Media Wing: There Are No Negotiations, Coordination With “Syrian Regime”


On August 13, the media wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released an official statement commenting on rumors spread by the Turkish media that 1,300 members of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) may participate in the expected operation of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).


“Lately, there were a lot of talking regarding the participation of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the military operation that the Syrian regime is said to be lunched in Idleb [Idlib] governorate. There were also a lot of rumors published by some biased media institutions regarding this matter.


We declare that such rumors are incorrect, neither our participation in such operations, nor any negotiations or coordination with the Syrian regime,” the SDF said in a statment on its website.


There are a few interesting things in this statement:


The Turkish media said that 1,300 mebmers of the YPG and the PKK, not the SDF will participate in the alleged SAA operation. So, by the August 13 statement, the SDF directly showed itself as an entity created as another brand for the YPG and the PKK in Syria – this is something what Ankara has repeatedly claimed publicly.

The SDF has deounced any reports on the negotiations between the SDF and the Syrian government. The August 13 statement contradicts real facts on the ground. For example, in late July, a high profile delagation of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) – this is a political wing of the SDF – visited Damascus for negotiations with the Syrian government.


On the official level, the Kurdish-dominated SDF seeks to keep an image as a reliable “proxy” of the US in Syria and provides an official media policy based on the MSM text book. This approach, especially when it’s emplyoed without any creativity, causes situation when the SDF’s official statements contradict to actions of the SDF on the ground.

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.2584447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521 >>4638 >>4834 >>4881



Syrian Refugees Continue to Return Home as War Nears End

Tens of thousands of Syrian refugees have returned home from neighboring countries so far this year, as the Syrian Army continues to advance against terrorist forces, stabilizing the war-torn country.


75,033 Syrians Return To Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta, 2.8 Tonnes Of Food Products Delivered To Aleppo


Transport Ministry: al-Qadam railway station and the Fairgrounds ready to transport visitors of Damascus International Fair


Government Forces Retake Abu Ghanim Mount From ISIS Cells In Rif Dimashq Province


Lavrov, Guterres discuss crisis in Syria

There was an exchange of opinions regarding issues on the UN agenda with a special emphasis on Syrian settlement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.


Rehabilitating infrastructure and ensuring basic services in parallel with return of displaced families in Namer village, Daraa


Bab al-Faraj clock in Aleppo resumes ticking

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.2584492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4834 >>4881

Italy Blocks New NGO Migrant Ship After Malta, Spain Refuse To Take


Italy on Monday denied entry to 141 migrants aboard an NGO transport ship, maintaining the country's hard-line stance against human trafficking into the country.

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.2584526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Corporate-driven Assaults on the Planet. Irreversible Destruction


Profits are continually sought even if it results in irreversible destruction.

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.2584571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you are new here understand this is not a chat room, lurk for a few weeks before posting, watch how the board operates, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!


When anyone counters a post demand proof aka sauce for their argument!





Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.2584622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4806 >>4834 >>4881 >>4923

SARA CARTER: House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte Preparing to Depose Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr and Glenn Simpson


House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is preparing to depose twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr and Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, according to investigative reporter Sara Carter.


The House Judiciary Committee is also planning to depose the former General Counsel for the FBI [and Comey confidant] James Baker, says Sara Carter.


Lawmakers are also planning on questioning other FBI officials such as Trump-hating lawyer Sally Moyer.


All interviews will be in closed-door settings.


Via Sara Carter:


Several congressional sources told that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is preparing to depose Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr and Glenn Simpson, the founder of the embattled research firm Fusion GPS. The judiciary committee is also planning to depose the former General Counsel for the FBI Jim Baker, who was demoted from his position for allegedly leaking sensitive information to the media. Lawmakers also plan to question Sally Moyer, Jonathan Moffa, and George Toscas. All these interviews will be conducted behind closed doors, the congressional officials noted.


Jordan, who has been at the forefront of the congressional investigations, said the interviews are an essential step in understanding the role of the Justice Department in the FBI’s handling of the case against members of the Trump campaign. The interviews will also shed light on Ohr’s seemingly close relationship with Steele, who was hired by Fusion GPS to compile the unverified dossier on Trump in 2016. Steele was dismissed from his role as an informant for the FBI in November 2016 for violating his agreement to not share information with the media.


“The latest emails between Ohr, Steele, and Simpson have a few key takeaways: First, how friendly they all are, including Ohr’s wife, who was working for Simpson,” said Jordan, who added that based on the emails, Skype calls and texts the threesome was in communication dozens of times. “I think he’s a key guy that we just have to depose for questioning.”

Anonymous ID: 564e12 Aug. 13, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2584863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4887

WALSH: It Is Now Offensive For Actors To Act



For the first time ever, Disney will feature an openly gay character in a movie. The upcoming film, titled "The Jungle Cruise" and based on a theme park ride, is being billed as a "turning point" for the company.


Reportedly, this will be different from the relatively subtle homosexuality in the recent "Beauty and the Beast" remake. In that case, it was merely implied that a male character had an erotic obsession with another male character. In this case, it will be made explicitly clear that the "hugely effete" character "is not interested in women." If that's true, it will indeed be a turning point. "Hugely effete" homosexuals are common in film and television these days, but not in big budget, mainstream family movies. Disney is now crossing a threshold that, even 10 years ago, would have seemed unthinkable.


Naturally, the move is causing blowback. No, not from religious conservatives. Rather, the outrage is coming from the Left. It is apparently "problematic" that Jack Whitehall, the actor hired to play the gay man, is not himself a gay man. He's not even slightly gay, which is bad because even a gay actor may not be gay enough to deserve the honor of portraying homosexuality on screen. The actress Ruby Rose was recently forced to leave Twitter to escape the criticism of her casting as a lesbian Batwoman. Rose is a lesbian, but not lesbian enough. The degree of her personal lesbianism does not sufficiently match the lesbianism of Batwoman, therefore outrage must ensue.


This is all quite insane. Never mind the glaring double standard of crying foul over something like this while celebrating when gays are cast in straight roles and women are cast in male roles and black people are cast in traditionally white roles. None of that should be a problem because acting, by definition, means pretending to be something that you are not. If an actor must now actually be whatever and whoever he is pretending to be, then no movie can ever be made again. At the very least, we would have to cease production on all sci-fi, fantasy, and historical films, and relegate ourselves to reenactments of the everyday lives of Hollywood actors. Perhaps George Clooney can make in a film about George Clooney sitting in his living room, and Tom Cruise can star in a blockbuster about Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise.


Of course, these points are somewhat beside the point anyway. The real point is that Leftists are once again dissatisfied with their own success. They have been handed another significant cultural victory — the injection of explicit homosexuality into a mainstream family film — and they still find some pedantic reason to turn up their noses. They are like a football team that wins 70-3 and then cries that the game was rigged against them because the other team was able to put up a field goal.


On the other hand, there has been little complaint from the Right about this move by Disney. Conservatives — even religious conservatives — have simply accepted that the Left's sexual agenda will be infused into everything. Many of them will probably take their kids to watch the film, and then they'll come home and resume their complaints about bias in the media. This is the crucial difference between the Right and the Left. One has basically surrendered the culture and willingly handed their children over to it, and the other is so used to their own domination that they cannot tolerate even the slightest perceived offense.