Article states Gary Lundgren owns about 65% of Ketron Island. Lundgren thinks “It’s a strange coincidence” Russell is from Wasilla where Lundgren owns property and businesses. Article states Gary Lundgren lives in Panama.
Article states Gary Lundgren is a fraudster (Fraud SEC vs. WJ Howey Co., 328 US 293 (1946))
Read the title of the article first. The article states Gary James Lundgren is a multiple sex offender but only provides evidence for one case (Steele vs. Lundgren, 982 P.2d 617 (Wash. Ct. App. 1999)) - (https://caselaw.findlaw.com/wa-court-of-appeals/1135519.html) Gary James Lundgren's MO is to hire a young female personal assistant, over pay her, then make sexual advances using their desire for continued employment to force them into performing unwanted sexual acts on him. The article states he's done this with many women and gets tired of them rather quickly. The article also states the Gary James Lundgren's current country of domicile(Panama) is a haven for sex offenders because their laws require a witness before legal action is taken, even when a person is raped there has to be some form of battery in order for the case to proceed.
Different article same website (https://rijock.blogspot.com/2016/06/gary-lundgren-operates-82-panamanian.html) Title of article sums up content.
(https://www.scribd.com/document/381295750/April-2016-Disciplinary-Actions-pdf) Gary James Lundgren Business cited for disciplinary action. (See Pic for business info)
Found this on 4chan - (https://www.wantedsa.com/index.php/sections/world/185-latin-america/1765-gary-james-lundgren-uses-his-sons-zachary-james-lundgren-to-commit-securities-fraud)
Gary James Lundgren doing business with UAE
(https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/10202307) (https://is2.4chan.org/pol/1534039179340.png) credit where its due. Connections to Panama papers.
Gotta run… happy diggs mother fuggas