Do you think there will be any QProofs during #POTUS's speech at the signing ceremony?
Hell YEAH! I haven't heard we don't say his name yet. POTUS is such a BADASS!
I noticed, as well. So awesome! QProof. If POTUS doesn't say his name during this speech, that's a QProof in itself.
New Q posts
If all directions of the echo chamber [MSM] state the same thing - even if FICTION/FALSE - do most people then consider it TRUE (factual)?
Direct communication is CRITICAL.
Who controls the FAKE NEWS?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology?
Why does ANTIFA attempt to 'justify' such violence by labeling the 'challenger' as ALT-RIGHT or NAZI?
Why doesn't the LEFT condemn such acts of violence and call for an immediate end?
Define 'Projection'.
Define 'Insurance Policy'.
Define 'Warning Against Attempts to Unveil'.
['They' prey on emotionally unstable (helpless) individuals and use them as PAWNS]📁
What does WRAY know and when will he release to the PUBLIC?
Does such violence (extremism) justify NG deployment in the future ahead of 'planned' public releases?📁📁
Military Spending Bill.
Smile for the Camera.
Q, we CANNOT wait for the MUCH more coming. These people are stupid. These people are sick!
God Bless You, Q! and Q Team.