If anyone here is old and fuck and rich as hell, but without kids/family, please consider leaving your fortune to The Wall in your will.
Thank you.
If anyone here is old and fuck and rich as hell, but without kids/family, please consider leaving your fortune to The Wall in your will.
Thank you.
Anyone know where I can locate Alien HumanKind part 32?
Having trouble tracking it down.
33 does seem to be a "start point" for something, and if it was anything like 31, it's an appendix with some footage replayed with different points being emphasized and will like show up later.
There's a kind of a hump where they start going 45+ minutes so it'll take you a while to get here.
Also, you might have a life, so that'll make it take longer.
Side not… did you see this?
Folks going around calling themselves Sacarii and making people kiss their feet.
It's… toooooo coincidental…
Pause button.
My base speed on youtube is 1.5x for pretty much everything.
Also, as you can see… there's nothing in the description pointing to where that video isn't removed.
Mmmmm…. To be perfectly honest with you, I really wasn't too far off while making guesses 5 minutes in… so far… pic related, and I made it a while ago.
It's an interesting view on where Kabamur Taygeta got his schtick from…
Who else?
Eventually you won't be surprised that it's aaaalmost always me.
Spooked VQC a time or two in the beginning by picking him out of open waters (here).
Besides, according to my Map where I rewrote The Storyline…
The Ayys are pointed where they need to be.
Riiiiiight on Q.
Maybe your ebrother #Tyler can help…
Well, now you know to be expecting it for next time. ;)
Bibi's son totally fucked him.
I'm always here if you need more assistance with that.
If you insist.
You know de quæn?
If you insist.
It's like they're signaling that the leftist thugs can get away with that kind of behavior…
Lushifar Falikus Toth…
Lucifer, Faustus, Thoth…