It will be removed for violating muh terms and conditions.
Seems like the goal is to avoid martial law if possible, but you still have to show that you are willing to do it if the need arises.
Its like Q told us the story in reverse chronology and now that he has a general audience, we are getting summer reruns in the order it is now going to play out.
>Also, money laundering front.
Sure seems like the usual channels for doing this have been shut down.
>Here, have a cookie!
Can't! I tried to bake one, but there was no spoon to mix the batter and measure the ingredients.
>Did you forget we're all anonymous?
Bad assumption to make. I'd be shocked if the NSA and a few badguys couldn't easily put a name to your post. I wouldn't think you are anonymous to anything more than a script kiddie dox.
Interesting note about this. Notice the term "seemingly sane" instead of crazy as was used in the past. Curious.