Anonymous ID: 0dec47 Aug. 13, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.2588280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8326 >>8367 >>8408 >>8478

>>2587747 (lb)

>>2587963 (lb)

>>2587792 (lb)

>>2587692 (lb)

>>2587517 (lb)

>>2587461 (lb)

>>2587428 (lb)

>>2587792 (lb)

>>2587747 (lb)


Lol unlike your copy pasta (as evident by your 14 post count), i repost verifiable q crumbs. You on the other hand cant argue against any of them while posting and responding to sourceless snips, like a brainless sociali engineered sheep.


Here is the source for the south korea jews snip btw:


Unlike you clowns im not affraid of an intelligent discussion, and i dont bring out of context copypasta.


>On Tuesday the New York-based ADL released the results of its ADL Global 100: An Index of Anti-Semitism. Based on interviews of 53,100 adults in 102 countries and territories, the Global 100 seeks to “establish, for the first time, a comprehensive data-based research survey of the level and intensity of anti-Jewish sentiment across the world.”


>The Global 100 survey asked respondents the following 11 true or false questions questions, and—as noted above—rated someone as anti-Semitic if they “probably true” to six or more of them:


>1.Jews are more loyal to Israel than to this [the respondent’s] country (or countries they live in for nations where Jewish people represent less than 0.01 percent of the total population.)

2.Jews have too much power in the business world

3.Jews have too much power in international financial markets

4.Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust

5.Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind

6.Jews have too much control over global affairs

7.Jews have too much control over the United States government

8.Jews think they are better than other people

9.Jews have too much control over the global media

10.Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars

11.People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

In South Korea, a majority of respondents answered “probably true” to questions 1-3, 6, 8, and 9. A whopping 65 percent of respondents in South Korea answered probably true to the first question about whether Jews are more loyal to Israel or the countries they live in. Similarly, almost 60 percent of South Koreans said that Jews have too much power in the business world (59 percent) and in international financial markets (57 percent).


Read it for yourself, then consider it is an ADL survey (known fuckers who love exagerating and lying) and the fact that what the koreans replied to are truths:


  1. Unfortunately some jews support israel more than their country. though other hate israel as mich as they hate trump - theses are the anti israeli self hating progressive jews.


  1. It is well known that jews are over represented in places of power. Does it make all of them bad? No, just like trump was very powerful but disnt become cabal, and so are his jewish friends and his son in law.


  1. The religious sheep consider jews above goys, but they are lost sheep. I know plenty of jees who denounce this goy bullcrap.


You blame crimes of jewish individuals on an entire mostly normie population, and than you say you oppose soros idea lol

Thats the same identity politics. Tell that to trump that his daughter belong to a vermin "race" or that his friends are to blame for the crimes of cabal jews.


Got triggered by the crumbs? Go back to pol clowns and shill on. Q left it because it became a brainless c_a & mos honeypot and you prove his point.

divide you try fail you will