Anonymous ID: 57bc35 Aug. 13, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.2588214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

requested repost from last bread. The sauce is his speech today which I can't embed. Most of below came from list he pulled out and read off all the accomplishments. hope this helps.


In fundraiser speech in Utica today, POTUS said boom, boom boom when speaking of windmills. so there's our 3 more booms for week. when speaking of steel, he said he thinks they're opening 8 plants (8 plants in his capaign?). he spoke of how he wanted to keep guantanamo bay open because…then mummbled something which nobody was supposed to know what he said. I didn't hear what he said either cause he mummbled it on purpose. it was pretty funny.

When he spoke of money for military he very clearly separated A Missile from the rest of the equipment. make of it what you will. but seemed clear to me.