Anonymous ID: 89c788 Aug. 13, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2588255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I personally strongly believe henry (((kissinger))) to be one of the so-called 'godfather iii' figures - he predicted in 2014 or so that by 2022, there will be no more israel.

Not only no more israel, but no more west by ((cabal)) jewish/middle eastern and EVIL designs.

This particular article was sourced from (((bloomberg))), so I take it that cabal wants to misdirect spotlight to kushner and kissinger knowing our inclinations?

Would like Q team to weigh in if possible. Are kissinger and kushner somehow guilty or is this a simple case of cabal attempting to cause a loss of valuable assets:


The Bombshell Kushner-Kissinger Lunch That Set Trump On "Collusion Course" With Russia


"Is America's most celebrated grandfatherly statesman and diplomat, the man whose advice and guidance on world affairs nearly every president of the past half-century has sought, himself being pulled into the nebulous world of "Russia-linked" allegations?


A new Bloomberg investigative report begins with the following tantalizing intro:


In March 2016, as the U.S. foreign policy establishment shunned presidential candidate Donald Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner was invited to lunch for a think tank urging detente with Russia and struggling for influence in Washington.


The meeting at Manhattan’s Time Warner Center, which hasn’t been reported before, would prove significant for the Center for the National Interest and Kushner, who was still a little-known figure in the Trump campaign.


And then enter Dimitri Simes — the Russian-born president of the think tank — as Bloomberg is keen to inform its readers, and enter accused Russian agent Maria Butina, who once wrote a single op-ed piece for The National Interest.


And finally, with key pieces of the standard "collusion course" narrative in place, the main attraction is ready to enter the center of the new saga …enter Henry Kissinger.


That's right, what may be a Russia-linked think tank run by a Russian-born conservative intellectual once upon a time hosted way back in 2016… gasp… now senior White House advisor and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner alongside Henry Kissinger.


Kushner at that time merely made a brief introduction of himself to Kissinger after the latter gave a talk on US-Russian relations as the center's honorary chairman. Kushner, as the lesser recognizable figure at the time "remained quiet and unobtrusive during the lunch" according to Bloomberg's description."


Kushner for one thing was always so fucking disgustingly subservient and demur alongside his older tribesman. Literally like watching a grandkid next to a grandpa.


All things considered, Q team - what are the roles those two are playing? Godfather iii?

Anonymous ID: 89c788 Aug. 13, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.2588281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Signs a bill that will reverse all the damage noname has done.

Tells no name to go fuck itself.

Noname STILL believes his fucking broken faggot treasonous ass is a saint hero.


This fucking timeline.