Anonymous ID: e967dd Aug. 13, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2588968   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>obviously you haven't tried to send many people over here.

HELL NO I haven't invited anyone here who's not 100% ready for it (none that I know are), I take the truth to THEM, and have them to do the research. Rarely do i even mention a Q, just the facts presented by Q & anons. I know well how to avoid the "conspiracy label" (took years to get ther though KEK)

For the ones that I did mention Q to, I have an offline archive for all of the above, and a slew of sites to link to more to their taste. If they find this place on their own, great for them. They were meant to.

And, no one gives a shit how long anyone has bee here.