Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 6:50 p.m. No.2589820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9829 >>9900 >>9988 >>0270 >>0465

First Lady Spox Responds to Omarosa’s Claims Melania Can’t Wait to Divorce Donald Trump


Former White House aid Omarosa Maginault-Newman is on a warpath against Donald Trump and his inner circle.


Omarosa claims in her soon-to-be-released book titled, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House,” that First Lady Melania Trump plans to divorce Donald Trump as soon as he’s out of office and she “punishes” her husband by her choice of wardrobe.


First Lady Spox Responds to Omarosa’s Claims Melania Can’t Wait to Divorce Donald Trump

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila August 13, 2018


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Former White House aid Omarosa Maginault-Newman is on a warpath against Donald Trump and his inner circle.


Omarosa claims in her soon-to-be-released book titled, “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House,” that First Lady Melania Trump plans to divorce Donald Trump as soon as he’s out of office and she “punishes” her husband by her choice of wardrobe.


According to excerpts from Omarosa’s book obtained by Newsweek, “Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce him.”


Omarosa also says the First Lady punished her husband when she wore a trench coat that read, “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” when she visited the child immigration detention center in Texas.


First Lady Melania Trump’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham gave a statement to the Daily Caller blasting Omarosa:


Mrs. Trump rarely, if ever, interacted with Omarosa. It’s disappointing to her that she is lashing out and retaliating in such a self-serving way, especially after all the opportunities given to her by the President.


The bitter former staffer also accused Donald Trump of using various racial slurs such as the n-word several times.


President Trump called Omarosa a “lowlife” on Saturday in response to a reporter who asked him if he “felt betrayed” by the former White House aid.


Calls for Omarosa to be prosecuted are growing after she released a secret recording of Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her.

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2589831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9879 >>9895 >>0064 >>0298 >>0506

Breaking: Judge makes stunning decision in Muslim compound case after charges of racism


In a hearing Monday, a New Mexico judge found that suspects in a bizarre child abuse case were not a danger to the public, and released them on bond.


Defense attorney blames Islamophobia


Two Muslim men and three women are charged with 11 counts of child abuse each after police raided their compound in New Mexico and discovered 11 malnourished children living in squalor.


Their lawyer argued that there was a double standard in the case because his clients were Muslims. He argued that if they had been Christian and white, “we might not be here today.”


Despite law enforcement authorities saying that they believe that the children were being trained to attack innocents, and that the adults were radicalized, Judge Sarah Backus released the suspects.


Prosecutors also said they obtained a letter from one of the suspects telling his brother to come to the compound and die like a martyr.


The lawyer for the suspects said that there was no evidence that they were planning any kind of attacks.


Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe testified that they found children holding boxes of ammunition, and that one child was found with a gun.


The Taos County Sheriff’s office raided the compound after police in Georgia informed them of a message coming from one of the denizens saying they had no food or water and needed help.


The eleven children have been taken into protective custody.

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.2589836   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 6:54 p.m. No.2589854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0298 >>0352

Ford Reveals "One Of The Largest Floor-Plan Financing Frauds In The History Of The US"


Ford Motor Credit Company LLC (“Ford Credit”) filed court documents with the Northern District of Texas last week, as part of a lawsuit against Reagor-Dykes Motors, LP claiming the dealerships and other related Debtors entities ran "the largest floor-plan-financing frauds in the history of the United States."


The documents said Reagor-Dykes Auto Group hid a "massive breach" from Ford Credit by fraudulently misrepresenting sales-reporting data to Ford Credit. The company believed Reagor-Dykes was timely paying off cars it sold to the public, however, Ford Credit said the company was selling vehicles on average of 55 days before reporting it to Ford Credit.


Ford Credit is asking Bankruptcy Court to appoint a trustee to manage the Chapter 11 filing, claiming Reagor-Dykes committed "multiple acts of fraud and gross mismanagement." The auto giant's financing unit alleges that Reagor-Dykes stole over $41 million previously advanced by Ford Credit. On July 31, Ford Credit sued numerous companies related to Reagor-Dykes Motors, LP. Shortly after that, those businesses filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.2589925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9994 >>0298 >>0406



Sweden Is Burning: Migrant Gangs Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Multiple Cities


Many Swedes were horrified in early 2017 when U.S. President Donald Trump linked immigration to rising crime in Sweden, but an increasing number now agree with him.


Amid soaring crime rates, gang violence, complaints about education, and pregnant mothers even being turned away from maternity wards due to a lack of capacity, resentment in Sweden has built over the influx of more than 600,000 immigrants over the past five years.




Cont. from images:

Their worried mainstream rivals have started moving to the right on crime and immigration to try to counter the Sweden Democrats’ threat in the Sept. 9 election. But so far, they are playing into the hands of the far-right.


“Right now they (mainstream parties) are competing over who can set out the most restrictive policies,” said Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lovin, whose Green Party is part of a minority government led by the Social Democratic Party.


“It clearly benefits the Sweden Democrats.”


Opinion polls put the Sweden Democrats on about 20 percent support, up from the 13 percent of votes they secured in the 2014 election and the 5.7 percent which saw them enter parliament for the first time in 2010.


The Sweden Democrats’ rise on the back of anti-immigration sentiment mirrors gains for right-wing, populist and anti-establishment parties in other European countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria.


The Sweden Democrats still trail the Social Democratic Party but has overtaken the main opposition Moderates in many polls. All mainstream parties have ruled out working with them.


But they could emerge from the election as kingmakers, and a strong election showing could force the next government to take their views into consideration when shaping policy.


Their policies include a total freeze on asylum seekers and accepting refugees only from Sweden’s neighbors in the future. They also want tougher penalties for crime and more powers for police, and say tax cuts and higher spending on welfare could be funded by cutting the immigration budget.


Jimmie Akesson, the leader of the Sweden Democratic party, has described the situation as “pretty fantastic”.


“We are dominating the debate even though no one will talk to us,” he told party members.


The Sweden Democrats have succeeded in linking the two in the minds of many voters, even though official statistics show no correlation between overall levels of crime and immigration. However, while the government denies it has lost control but Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has not ruled out sending the military into problem areas.


“Sweden is going down a more right-wing path,” said Nick Aylott, a political scientist at Sodertorn University said. “It is almost impossible to avoid according some sort of influence to a party with around 20 percent of the vote.”


Trump was right after all.

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2589954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0221

NFL coach punishes player for drug violation — with extra playing time



Usually when a professional athlete is busted for drugs, he pays for the transgression by giving up playing time, if not his job.


A Cleveland Browns wide receiver got a much different punishment when he was cited for marijuana possession — he played more than he had ever played in his career, according to USA Today.


“That was part of the consequence of what he had been through, and he knows it,” Browns coach Hue Jackson said. “Either you sit him or make him play. I thought it was better to make him play. Make him play as long as he could. There were a couple of times he kept waving to come out, and we said ‘No, stay in there.'”

What did he do?


Callaway was stopped by a police officer near the Browns’ training facility after failing to yield to oncoming traffic. The officer discovered that Callaway was driving with a suspended license, and had a “small amount of marijuana” under the driver’s seat.


The citation was reported in the media before Callaway told the team about it.


The wide receiver has a history of issues dating back to his time at the University of Florida, where he was suspended for his final season over a credit card fraud investigation. He also failed a drug test at the NFL scouting combine.

What was his ‘punishment?’


As punishment for his crime, Callaway played 54 out of 63 offensive snaps during a preseason game against the New York Giants. His increased time of the field led him to catch three passes for 87 yards and a touchdown.


“I was trying to make him play the whole game if we could,” Jackson said afterward, seriously trying to convince a group of reporters that he had punished his player with extra playing time. “I did not want him to come out.”


For reference, the league’s drug policy dictates that he could have been suspended for as many as four games, depending on how his first violation was classified.

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.2590003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0039 >>0062 >>0298

CO2 levels dangerously low for our planet; optimum levels of 800 – 1200 ppm would unleash reforestation, greening and food crop production


Which planet sounds like a better place to live: One that is full of plants and trees and teeming with wildlife and biodiversity with plenty of food to go around, or a cold and barren one with a starving and dying-off population? If you’re like most people, you would choose the first option without hesitation. If you’re Carl Zimmer of the New York Times, however, it’s that second scenario that is inexplicably more appealing.


He wrote that “rising CO2 levels are making the world greener, but that’s nothing to celebrate.” It’s not? Reforestation, greening and food crop production are nothing to celebrate? Unfortunately, there is a lot of ignorance floating around about the topic of carbon and what it does to and in the environment. Climate change alarmists have been pushing the narrative that carbon is bad for the planet for so long that it’s frighteningly easy for the mainstream media to get away with expressing such ludicrous views. People read stories like Zimmer’s and simply nod in agreement because they think it’s what those who care about the planet should believe – never mind the fact that basic science tells us otherwise.


Respected ecologist Patrick Moore was quick to call out the article, calling the widely-read paper quote “a bad joke.” He believes the world is currently deficient in carbon dioxide compared to geological epochs in the past. He explained why he considers 800 to 1200 ppm of carbon dioxide to be the optimal level, pointing out that planting crops that are grown in greenhouses that have carbon dioxide pumped into them are ridiculously effective. Why would anyone use a greenhouse in the first place if carbon dioxide was actually bad?

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 7:13 p.m. No.2590135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0298 >>0346

Largest Homeland Security Raid in History Nets 130 Illegals and Indicts 17 Business Owners

Anonymous ID: 8ed27c Aug. 13, 2018, 7:15 p.m. No.2590160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0278

==RUDY DROPS ANOTHER BOMB=Mueller Team Committed Crimes — John Brennan Should be Before Grand Jury (VIDEO)==


Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Hannity on Monday night to discuss the ongoing Mueller Trump-Russia investigation.