Anonymous ID: 0680de Aug. 13, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.2590640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Saddam was tricked. Twice. They told him they would help him against Iran. But the Jew wanted the war to go on and on and gave money to Iran. Then when he was itching to fuck Kuwait up. And Kuwait was always the 19th province of Iraq. That shit is true. The British split it up as a divide and conquer strat in 1917. Well Saddam talked to Connie Rice. Bush the Elders bitch. Saddam asked would we(america) have a problem if he fucked Kuwait up some. Well we said no problem Saddam America does not care either way.


So Saddam invades and surprise surprise the Jew uses it to start the NWO. Bush the Elder gives a NWO speech and away America goes in killing Muslims for the Jew and for the Satanist to eat whoever they get there hands on.


This is all a year after the Jew took down the USSR so they could rob the Russian people one more time. Look it up. Russian Oligarch is code word for Jew. The Jews began stealing everything in Russia till Putin slowly put a stop to it. All the Billionaires in Russia that have problems with Putin are Jews....but will the Jew dominated media in the west tell you that?


No they just act as if Putin likes kicking ass for fun and he is a mean dictator. When in reality only a strong man can stop the Jew. Democracy can never stop Jew domination because the Jew will just bribe your greediest Goy family that cares not for his race or tribe and takes a couple of shekels. Like Judas the Jew finds the weak link in every society and pays them to stick the dagger in the ones who are honest and brave.


It is a system they have worked out for thousands of years. The Jew is always the aggressor.


They cry out as they are striking you.

Anonymous ID: 0680de Aug. 13, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.2590862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1149


You keep going on and on about Trumps daughter being a Jew when you know very well that no real Jew considers her a Jew. She is just another fucking Goy. If she was black she would be kicked out and back in Kenya by now. You cant be a Jew unless your mom is a Jew. By Jew law but you know this.


Jews are not a religion. A religion tries to promote itself and prostetize. Jews are a ethic group of international grifters. They do not want outsiders to learn their secrets thus they make it real hard to convert to a Jew. But conversion does not make one a Jew. Look at the niggers that are being kicked out of Israel now even after they can read all the Jewey shit they require to be a jew. They dont care they are just another goy.


You know it and I know it.


Trump and his family are on a mission from God to destroy ZOG everywhere on Earth. And to throw the Jew off and sneak up on them they set this plan into motion. And guess what it worked. You Jews think Trump is here to help you.


Not so much. But you will learn.

Anonymous ID: 0680de Aug. 13, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.2590935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955


Imagine if the Jew faked the whole thing to cause race problems? LA riots then OJ? Jew plot?


I could see it. They like that sneaky shit.


Maybe the blood dripped at the scene really was planted?

Anonymous ID: 0680de Aug. 13, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2591009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This from a known movie or is this a part of the slow reveal that aliens are fucking with us every damn day?


The detail on that nose is awesome

Anonymous ID: 0680de Aug. 13, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.2591111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126


They used her in superbowl 17 in an advertisement for fatherhood. Her mother and grandmother are convinced it is her. This girl in the commercial is more tan and quite beautiful. I am sure it is her also.


They do everything in plain sight. They mock you because we are powerless to stop them ass raping a beautiful girl. The love it.


These people all deserve the noose.