Here you have megajew here.
He pretends and pretends and pretends.
Funny how nobody demanded that I claim to be an anti white while I bashed the Bush administration. Which was filled with kikes by the way. Nobody demanded that I prove it was NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE then.
But when it is pointed out that jews are responsible for neo con wars…
When it is pointed out that jews run the media…
Jews run the federal reserve…
Jews run banking in general…
Jews run the fake news…
Megajew is here to assure the goyim (non jew cattle) that we are just imagining things…
Even though it is well documented that jews…
Leftist jews…
Do in fact control all the of the mechanisms that enslave the non jews…
See megajew now?
I see him clearly.
Retarded thinking.
Q is wrong about a couple things.
Mostly do to jewish brainwashing of the goyim.
Whether this dishonesty is because of jew brainwashing or nefarious jewish purposes remains to be seen.
If you think "nazi" is a bad term?
You are a fucking faggot cuck.
"nazi" is a jew term.
One that destroyed your USA country.
Your JewSA country.
muh normies
muh newbies
muh only pc can save them
You lose again megajew
You only fight for jews
You never fight for whites
You lose again megajew
You said nothing other than some leftist PC language gobbledy gook. Sorry but you are stupid and stupid doesn't work here. Have a nice night.
Its really pathetic that our people do no have the self respect to understand basic truth versus lies.
Start there and go on with your life.
You will find out the truth very quickly.
Good post.