Anonymous ID: da5feb Aug. 13, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.2591214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1239

Love my anon frens here. I try to think of my life before Q and anons came into it and can't really remember, kek. I was one of the many who heard that Rosanne tweeted, "who is Q"? and started looking at vids on youtube. When I learned how to access the boards and lurked - it opened a world I did not know existed. When I started posting weeks later and interacting with my anon kindreds I felt accepted. Then the catalog went and got stuck and I was without my kin for about a day or two - and then I felt the loss and disconnect. But then I learned to figger out the index and found my place again - among my peeps. I have come home.

I love you bastards and I pray Steve Quayle is wrong about the Assassin Algorithms being used on us but I suspect he is right. Nevertheless, redpilling my people is more important now. When the day comes for us to part ways - we shall meet again in that better place.

Godspeed Patriot Anons.