Anonymous ID: e96188 Aug. 13, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.2590655   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Paul Ryan Former Staffer Running to Replace Him – BUT HIDES THAT HE WORKED FOR PAUL RYAN


Green Beret Conservative Nick Polce faces Paul Ryan Staffer in 1st District GOP Primary Tuesday


Will Paul Ryan’s Constituents Say No to the Swamp This Time?


It’s a challenge of the professional staffer vs. the citizen statesman, and it’s playing out in Paul Ryan’s own district, with his former staffer Bryan Steil running against Nick Polce, a Green Beret and conservative, for the Republican nomination.


Tuesday, Paul Ryan’s constituents in the first district of Wisconsin will tell the country whether their firsthand knowledge of being represented by Speaker Paul Ryan has left them wanting more of the same or a jolt of conservative, Swamp-fighting change.


Polce is taking on what in any other political climate may have been the default choice: Paul Ryan’s staffer Steil. The two are running in a field of five total Republicans vying for the nomination.


Steil, who was endorsed by his former boss Paul Ryan, has curiously omitted any mention of having worked for the polarizing Republican in his website bio.


Polce moved from Texas to the Wisconsin district with one purpose: challenge and defeat Paul Ryan. Polce and his wife, Karla, had their first child in 2016, moved to Wisconsin to join the ranks of our founding non-career politicians, standing up for free enterprise, self-government and real Constitution principles.


He is a strong constitutionalist who says he decided to run for office to defeat career politicians. From Polce’s website:


We must elect individuals who respect the Constitution and who seek to serve not to rule. We have a group of individuals in Congress right now who act like, and believe it is their right to rule.

2018 is the year to rediscover the concept of the citizen statesman. A citizen statesman is the individual that goes to Washington and works to serve the interests of the people of his district. After a few years he then returns to the private sector so that someone else can take his place. Washington is not and should not be a career.


In the military we had a saying, “you can delegate responsibility, but you cannot delegate accountability.” In the military, business, and life, failure has consequences. In Washington, we seem to tolerate it.


Despite Wisconsin’s pivotal role in the Trump victory, Paul Ryan’s 1st District Republican apparatus has failed to stand up for bringing conservative values back to their arena in the past — and in this race. So, once again, citizens will have to stand up and defend America without the support of the GOP establishment.


Whoever wins the Republican nomination will face union ironworker Randy Bryce, whose campaign latched onto the Achilles heel of the Steil candidacy: how can you claim to help drain the Swamp when you’re part of it. From Democrat Bryce’s campaign:

It’s hard to think of anyone less in touch with the struggles facing working families than a third-generation corporate attorney from a politically connected family,” said campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt. “A former Ryan staffer and a current Walker appointee, Bryan Steil is part of the institutional Republican swamp that believes we should give tax breaks to the wealthy and pay for it by attacking working people’s retirements and health care.


Wisconsin’s 1st District consists of farmers, factory workers, entrepreneurs and suburbanites, including many former Illinoisans who left their failing state for one that hadn’t yet embraced the defeatist GOP line.


Do Paul Ryan’s constituents want more of the same representation or a break from the Swamp? Tuesday will tell.

Anonymous ID: e96188 Aug. 13, 2018, 7:54 p.m. No.2590671   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Donald Trump: There Is No Tape, N-Word Not in My Vocabulary


President Donald Trump said Monday that his former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman made up the story about a possible tape existing of him using the n-word during his show The Apprentice.


Newman claimed in her new book that a tape of the president existed that featured him saying the n-word.


But Trump said the former producer of the show called him to say there was no tape of him using the word.


“Mark Burnett called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa,” Trump said. “I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have.”


He said that Newman made up the story about him and that the “fake news” only listened to her because she had turned against him.


“Omarosa had Zero credibility with the Media (they didn’t want interviews) when she worked in the White House,” Trump wrote. “Now that she says bad about me, they will talk to her. Fake News!”

Anonymous ID: e96188 Aug. 13, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2590731   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0762 >>0765 >>0943 >>0964 >>0971 >>1107

Trump’s media attacks endanger journalists worldwide, UN human rights official says


The outgoing United Nations human rights commissioner believes President Donald Trump’s continued attacks on the media could eventually lead to violence, the Guardian reported.


Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, who has decided not to take on a second term as human rights commissioner, said Trump’s rhetoric reminds him of the times leading up to the two world wars, and also emboldens authoritarian leaders worldwide to stamp out the independent press.


“We begin to see a campaign against the media … that could have potentially, and still can, set in motion a chain of events which could quite easily lead to harm being inflicted on journalists just going about their work and potentially some self-censorship,” Zeid said. “And, in that context, it’s getting very close to incitement of violence.”

How is Trump enabling oppression?


Zeid says he’s seen other leaders following Trump’s example of attacking the press, often with much more severe results than those seen in the United States, where the battle is largely verbal.


“The U.S. creates a demonstration effect, which then is picked up by other countries where the leadership tends to be more authoritarian [in] character or aspires to be authoritarian,” Zeid said, referencing Cambodian leader Hun Sen’s closing down of media organizations.

Bad relationship


The relationship between the United States and the UN Human Rights Council was already beyond repair, with the U.S. leaving the council in June for being a “self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.”


Zeid said he has been discouraged by the U.S.’s stance on human rights under the Trump administration, saying this administration differs sharply from previous ones.


“The Trump administration seems to have separated itself from previous administrations in its upholding of human rights globally,” Zeid told the Guardian, adding that the U.S.’s refusal to fully commit to the council was “illustrative of the lack of any deep commitment to the human rights.”

Anonymous ID: e96188 Aug. 13, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.2590941   🗄️.is đź”—kun






We all know, or at least are starting to know, about the stop/fight 'the cabal part of this GREAT AWAKENING' But it goes a lot deeper than that.


To begin to address this in a manner which is digestible it is best to realize that the fight is not just one for our countries. We know they want us divided but there is another often overlooked division, that is the division of the mind, body and soul. They have used chemicals in our food supply to condition us to be compliant and to encourage illness. They use other chemicals and heavy metals in our water to dumb us down and cause disease of the mind, they use fluoride, among other things, to shut down our PINEAL GLAND thus shutting off our spiritual connections (SOUL).


Brothers and Sisters the other major part of this fight between good v evil is in us all, it is in the hearts and minds of men and women.

If we all simply chose to do the right thing evil would cease to exist in an instant.


The CHOICE is yours!


Peace over war

Right over wrong

Joy over fear

Others over self

Strength over vioence

Light over dark


Cleanse your mind, body and soul for enlightenment!