Anonymous ID: 080ec3 Aug. 13, 2018, 10:56 p.m. No.2592655   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Buzzfeed, NYT and Washington Post have the unredacted FISA for over a year, POTUS can Tweet about that and it clears the way to DECLAS the whole thing or at least the 20 pages.

Anonymous ID: 080ec3 Aug. 13, 2018, 11 p.m. No.2592678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2716

Strzok showed family members classified intel. His wife is a Hillary porn at SEC.

This is unfolding quickly.

This was one massive trap.

They never thought she would lose.

After she lost, they were sloppy, thinking POTUS was an idiot.