I’ve posted here a handful of times, used to post on half chan more, but I have to say if it wasn’t for the fact that Q still posts here I’d be gone like the mother fucking wind. Whatever, call me a shill or whatever, but the digging and general moral here is just lackluster these days. Constant infighting about stupid BS like whether AJ is legit or not, WHO THE FUCK CARES. What are we here for, TRUTH, this isn’t a contest about who can say kike or nigger the most. That being said, Q I implore you (and I know that with whatever databases or intel gathering sources you have you know I’m not some sort of spammer) to create or use a medium more conducive to actual productivity rather than dick swinging and downright malicious behavior. WWG1WGA. I pray for Trump and the Q team several times daily. Always vigilant - anon