Anonymous ID: 417e09 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.2596169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6216

We all know that recently Q told us that No Name would be in the headlines again soon (>>2287098 Bread 2882 25Jul18). And what happened the other day? Confirmed.


But does anyone remember back in June that he told us "RGB next (>>1927025 Bread #2428 27Jun18) just a couple days later?


Well, whadaya know? And just in time for Christmas.


A Notorius RBG "action" figure, to use the term loosely. Confirmed again?


The arms move but I can't tell if its chin goes down onto its chest. It needs to. And these pics seem memeable. RBG has flipped off the Constitution, and SCOTUS' true function, for decades. I hate to ask for a hand out, but would a kind anon move its finger to an obvious middle finger for me? I lack any ability and she needs to be immortalized on twatter in this manner.


TIA. Now to find something to go dig on.