Anonymous ID: 5516e5 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.2596326   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>srry if this is old news but new Aireal footage of Ketron Island plane wreckage

>no signs of any plane, and footage of someone places small metal pieces into a large material holding bag

>anon with pilots licsense, this is obsolutly I’m possible

>but where did the plane go? “Russel said there’s no fuel”.

>was he indicating that explosives where placed inside of the plane in order to turn it into a missile essentially blowing up the plane into millions of peices.

>hard from video to see how big explosion acuallty was

>any anons out there that can analize the sound of the exposion to compare with other explosions to determine amount of energy

Cockpit pic is me, any pilot that’s not part of q looking into the hijackin is dumb founded at the events that took place