Anonymous ID: 8e136f Aug. 14, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2596550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6562

Let me say, I don’t care if Roseanne compared VJ to the planet of the apes. In addition, I don’t care if Bill M compared Michelle B to planet of the apes. That’s what free speech is. Of course the left is hypocrites. The right is too. I, yes even I, am a hypocrite. We all are. For Q to task us to go out and argue this small technicality seems like a fools errand. Almost like, give them something to do to keep them busy kind of task. For us to take up the “msm is hypocrites” banner is a waste of time IMHO. Sorry Q I love you no homo.