Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.2596017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6039 >>6041 >>6049 >>6069 >>6086 >>6094 >>6097 >>6106 >>6110 >>6122 >>6264 >>6435

TY Baker!!!


>>2595928 (lb)


Let me break it down for you:

  1. Cohen = /ourguy/

  2. Stormy = /ourgirl/

  3. Avenatti = Black hat

  4. Omarosa = Black hat


Stormy hooks up with Avenatti because Avenatti has a background with Rahm Emmanuel. Story takes Avenatti for a publicity ride, making him look like a tool. Who pays Avenatti? Working on a Sunday?


Cohen hanging out with idiots like Tom Arnold; exposing his involvement with the cults (soon). Cohen is also playing everyone else by releasing an innocuous tape discussing payment details. It will later be revealed that Stormy was being paid, yes, but to be an ACTRESS to the media (which is incompetent); essentially devastating their credibility forever, and comparing them to the National Enquirer for their coverage of the Stormy "scandal".


Avenatti must have really got on DJT's nerves, because Guido paid him a visit, and the Gore/BBC/Gay shit stopped immediately after that.


Finally, Omarosa. She was put in the WH because DJT knew ahead of time who she was reporting to. He wanted her to run around and be "Omarosa" because he knew she'd fuck up BIG TIME. He set a trap for her. ALL of these traps have been set, and the cabal is falling into every single one of them.


>Why would a person 'openly' broadcast a CRIMINAL VIOLATION?

>Do they feel protected?

>Who do they report to?

>If known in advance, could this be an advantage?

>These people are STUPID.

>Enjoy the show.


This post was (in part) talking about Omarosa! Yes. It's all a show, anon. Some actors have no idea what their role is, either (Omarosa).

Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:19 a.m. No.2596033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6119

>>2595963 (lb)

>>2595963 (lb)

Anon made the connection/solved the riddle of "P". Q confirmed by DIRECTLY replying and confirming [POPE]. This is how Q communicates. Q's response was confirmation that P = Pope.

Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.2596081   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BO made it very clear that he could not stop those posts because you cannot blanket block VPN subnets without cutting access to valid anons. That's why AntiFungalCunPunchShitHeadLeafBaker got shit canned from BV duties.


I honestly think that the gore shit stopped because of Guido (I acknowledge, just a theory):


Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:32 a.m. No.2596147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220


Omarosa was instructed by her "handler" (whomever she is really reporting to) to slander President Trump. Confirmed black hat.


One needs to look no further into the story of Michael Clarke Duncan, and what her role was in all that, to decide for yourself what type of person Omarosa is. DJT knew this, too. He kept her around for a REASON. That reason was to expose her, and whomever she's connected with.

Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.2596353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6527


Try this on for size:

Soros reports to/takes orders from P. Assuming everything above is correct, take a look at the sequence of events:



Soros replaced family "Y" – This was the Rockefellers - 142

Soros' role in the cabal is defined - 299. 299 also gives us the 40k ft view of the power structure. Remember, blackmail is with trafficking children/pedo shit. SA was the major HUB for this.

Soros takes orders from P. P = Pope as per Q drops.

P = C (chari of St. Peter) serves the Master (Roths / Satan)

Pope isn't just the head of the Catholic Church. He's the head of a branch of the cabal.

Soros IS the Godfather III story arc in Q's tale.

Anonymous ID: a2c745 Aug. 14, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.2596657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6664 >>6674 >>6698


If Godfather III is anywhere near accurate, or to be considered a sort of "docufiction", and we are to believe Q, then Q is saying that the entire leadership structure of the church is part of the cabal. Case in point:

How do you get into leadership positions in politics? Blackmail. What types of blackmail? Pedo/drugs/trafficking, etc. You either participate, or are complicit.


How do you get into leadership positions in Hollywood? Blackmail. What types of blackmail? Pedo/drugs/trafficking, etc. You either participate, or are complicit. Look at the entire fucking cast coming to James Gunn's side. Disgusting.


How do you get into leadership positions in the Catholic Church? Blackmail. What types of blackmail? Pedo/drugs/trafficking, etc. You either participate, or are complicit.