Anonymous ID: f567fd Aug. 14, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.2596390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Something about Arizona… not only are there TONS of Cemex factories… there are TONS of weird Kidz Dentistry complexes… GIANT "Kids Dentistry" buildings. They are MASSIVE and look like train stations or playgrounds sometimes. Very elaborate and all look like a fantasy place a kid would want to go to. I always thought, "I hope they aren't drugging kids." HOLY FUCK… so I am researching and LOOK at this… Kidz Connection Dental… GIANT BUILDING looks like an indoor submarine… They have their own company Hummer! These places are ALL OVER especially in Hispanic and poor neighborhoods… OMG I just checked the YELP…. 1 STAR! "Ran out of sedation gas" WTF???? This is really fishy!!!