Anonymous ID: 77bd4d Aug. 14, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.2597435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7505


>We are as mainstream as it gets now, Anons

i hope you are all ready, if they push it now to the next level you have to become focused as hell.

This is 'Information war' do not get D&C'ed, never share information somewhere else, stay in one place!

Never get distrected by a different happening during another happening, stay always focused!

Remember what you learned about shills and how to interact with them, remember cointelpro!

Use tweetdeck to see everything in realtime!


If this is going viral and heavy pushed on MSM, than you either go down in a big smoke screen or a memory hole.


there is one thing, anons alwas said back than in the old gamergate happenings

>Gamergate will stay forever

this is the most important part, the internet never forgets but it seems these corrupt assholes in the MSM found a way to make it forgatable.


stay strong anons.