Anonymous ID: 96c83f Aug. 14, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2596744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7059

newBAKER dough update


See >>2596669 lb

What needs changed:

  • PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076


What changes are needed:

  1. Insert the FULL URL (must have www or DNS does not resolve domain name)

  2. Delete the broken link ~~>>2418076~~


Resulting in this changed line for your dough:

  • PAVUK keyword-searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics:



Anonymous ID: 96c83f Aug. 14, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2596979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7037


Needs a bunch of editing for conciseness. Remove unnecessary verbosity. Example edits on paragraph 1 attached.


Q, the anonymous poster who has gained attention over the past few weeks, is now being discussed by the Mainstream Media (MSM). New MSM stories on Q have surged after President Trump's Tampa Bay rally on July 31, 2018. This paper will educate those who are unaware of, interested in, or just beginning to follow Q. It aims to refute the MSM's misinformation and fake news on the subject. The Great Awakening and Q are not conspiracy theories but rather, an information operation. Our movement seeks truth, and wants to peacefully help President Trump Make America Great Again.


I really like the proposed graphics that I saw at >>2586644 , >>2586632 (offbread).


That was just a little bit of editing that a typical editor would insist on, to tighten up sentences and eliminate unnecessary words. Hope that helps!




MSM's fake news