Anonymous ID: 0b705b Aug. 14, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2597894   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8155


Of course he is, because they want him to win.

The AJ / Infowars "censorship" was a ploy to thrust him into spotlight and act as a pied piper, collecting all of Trump's base that might be predilected towards accepting the Q narrative and leading them away from it.


Noticed it happened immediately after Q team hit (((their))) trigger for this excercise: wide public support for Q as allowed temporarily at the Tampa rally.

Here is the order of events:


-Public support for Q reaches a critical mass at Tampa rally

-MSM begins laying narrative groundwork in the following days by framing Q supporters as "dangerous"

-MSM sends extra media presence to following rally, along with fake Q members planning to commit FF violence or disruptions

-Q/POTUS easily sidestep this and prevent it from happening

-MSM runs a few more hit pieces about Q then lets it fade

-Alt-media personalities on the right suddenly come out in unison against Q, using known clown narratives (bakers are Q, faggot the scribe, etc.)

-AJ / Infowars has spotlight shined on them, receiving 24/7 coverage and spurring a massive amount of support in response.

-Q fades from any media, replaced by incessant debating of Infowars and their narratives.

-MSM feels like they have pulled an "Indiana Jones" switch in the minds of people who may have been at risk of following the TRUE conspiracy narrative and source of info, Q.

-This tactic is essentially designed to "re-scale" the overton window, amplifying AJ as the far end, and pushing Q out of the frame.


This, of course, won't workโ€ฆ.to the MSM it probably feels like they pulled it off.

Q always reminds us to think game theory. It is most likely that Q/POTUS already knew (((they))) had this package ready to deploy as soon as public support reached a trigger point.

So Q/POTUS ARTIFICIALLY raised our profile, to trigger this reaction and let it play out AHEAD of more real shit dropping that will soak up more support.

They essentially fired out a flare and let the propaganda missile follow it and harmlessly detonate.

This is very bad for the cabal because they don't have many missiles left.

Anonymous ID: 0b705b Aug. 14, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.2598102   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8129


There's a whole lot of reveals and red-pilling between us and that acceptance, anon.

Our entire reality is built on lies by the jews, going back to their "history" in the OT.

Good luck getting most people to recognize that, because coincidentally it happens to be the most forbidden idea in the world.

Anonymous ID: 0b705b Aug. 14, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.2598266   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


On a more widespread level, it's probably just pragmatic thinking and aligned interests that drives most people in all these organizations.

However I think the level of relationship that truly binds them in action is deeper than any of those associations.

The top levels would probably view any of these labels, including Jew, as irrelevant and meaningless.

However, the dishonest and power-mad motivations of Zionist jews have created the perfect vessel for "Satan" to invade and outwork "his" purpose on the earth.

So we end up with a weird dichotomy where it isn't technically wrong to name the jew as the enemy, but at it's deepest level even that is just a container that people fall into that simply allows them to serve true evil easier than other containers.