Anonymous ID: 1d8ec0 Aug. 14, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2597572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's a rabbit hole all right.

Brennan ties to Hannigan GCHQ and then the flaky reports from Estonia regarding Trump.


Asides Orbis, Steeles Intel business, there is also Hakluyt. Mi6 related.


Clinton ties Hakluyt…

Executives with London-based Hakluyt & Co. contributed thousands of dollars to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee's campaign… link between Clinton and Hakluyt is ironic considering the former secretary of state’s strong commitment to liberal Democratic environmental causes. Hakluyt’s record includes being caught planting spies in Greenpeace and other environmental groups on behalf of energy giants British Petroleum (BP) and Shell.


Interesting enough…

Now this


There are so many tie in's throughout this thread going way back and connecting lots of characters.

EnRon ask Force most of the FBI and DoJ people.

Estonia, GCHQ, Clapper and his visit there on August 11. Brennan starting his Trump briefing to Gang of 8 same day.

Anonymous ID: 1d8ec0 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2597786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pic of Brennan at the Hakluyt NY office.


Supposedly Hakluyt saw a 10M increase in their bottom line during the election year. Looking for sauce that is less British.