Anonymous ID: 84cadc Aug. 14, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2597703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You are using twitter? Now you have to use Tweetdeck since this is "INFORMATION WAR"


One thing to learn about information war is the absolute importance of time

You can't even imagine how important the factor time is. We are moving in the range of seconds and that's why a tool like tweetdeck is necessary, it gives the ability to see every information in real time. You can reply to a tweet in the same second it was made, sometimes it might look like you are a bot so don't just jump on a tweet, give it a little bit time. Meanwhile you can make a colums for each interest. Names, twatter handlers, hashtags and so on. Everything on one page. But twatter also has a shadow site, like all the big corporation who took over the internet since 2007. They push heavily a left leaning agenda and use their "we are perfect" cloak to hide their corrupt site. You always see it when they avoid specific news or shadowbann, censore specific information. Facebook, google, twitter and everyone else (as seen in the massiv blacklisting of alex jones) are considerd to be the enemy. Sadly, twatter is the one platform they use the most to spread their shit, the platform where they all connect. Keep this in mind when using tweetdeck, you might already be shadowbanned, find someone who boost your tweets, you might already be watched, think twice before making a tweet, watch out who you follow and fuck those world trends they mean jackshit.


When this happening reach a viral status, boosted by the MSM and their shills than shit will hit the fan!

This happened back in GG too, it wasn't exactly the 'Gamers are dead' media blitz who pushed it over the edge into the normal world. It slowly crawled into it and since the journos couldn't pin point it out how far the gg information went, we had a lot of side happenings, #TheFappening was one of it, we had everything archived down to the little detail of the IP of the leaker when out of nowhere the original news was deleted. I know it to this day, the leaker of the fappening was the media itself, or to be more specific the one who made the first news about it. Anons immiditley took a look into it and found the info, shared it on the gg thread and whooosh all info gone.



Consider the following, they are watching this thread too.