Anonymous ID: a936bc Shoot all the clowns... Aug. 14, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.2597822   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I came across info today, that the Twitter account of the football player Rober Lewandowski has been hacked by Turks.

And it brought to my mind the last weekend's attack on us, where Q in one of his posts has mentioned that the attack is the "Foreign and domestic"…What if the foreign attacks are actually from Turkey? I know it is probably being far stretched, BUT, with everyone focused on "muh Russian hackers" and China, perhaps Iran too….Turkey might be in a way overlooked…Maybe an eye should be kept on them as well, especially that they don't exactly have a clean record as a country….Even as a NATO member.


Bonus info (I was in FB prison for this info….someone was touched by it) - Turkey has pressured the EU, to NOT include the reference to God and Christian roots of Europe in the preamble to the EU Constitution. Turkey is not an EU member state, and technically as an alien and foreign state, should have NO saying regarding any legislation within an entity it is not part of.