Anonymous ID: ae3eb4 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.2598018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8050 >>8069 >>8130 >>8151 >>8254

I’ve been digging on that merry band of traveling Muslims from GA and the NM compound they wound up at. Riddle me this, anons. Pic related (all sauced)

  1. Child kidnapping father Wahhaj was reported seen in Clayton Co., GA traveling with his son, 5 other kids and 2 adults on Dec. 13t, 2017

  2. Wahhaj overturns car in Chilton Co. GA on same day with 7 children and one adult. Says they’re all going camping in NM but no camping gear observed. Guns are, though.

  3. The property they wind up squatting on, according to a real estate company website, was sold to current owner (Jason Badger and wife) on Dec. 26, 2017.

Fishy as shit. Who sold the property to current owner 13 days after Wahhaj was last seen in GA? Who was Wahhaj picking up along the way? How did he know to go to that location in NM? Where did all the stuff in the compound come from?

Might be worth getting some eyes on this especially since all the perps were let go on signature binds as no dangers to society. Looks like they are being protected by somebody.