Anonymous ID: cd0c6a Aug. 14, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.2597553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7660


interesting but I really think theres some EGO there and reliance on Corsi Decodes


Corsi Muh Decodes relied on ANONS; corsi didnt know dick about 8ch culture.


… I really think IW is sincere, I also think they are WRONG;


But if you ever want them or things like CrTV to exist this is the battle line; What is happening is fucked like in China and Europe right now.


So when you are big tech and one country with a big market asks you to regulate and be liable for content on your SM etc. How do you regulate for one country like China and then do something different for another country like America?



CANT let this censorship happen.


They are letting Qanon flourish because they believe there is enough material on the boards to inflate and muddy up the message , look crazy; and because of some anons, shills, they probably can.


We'll be ready; Fuck MSM @ 2014 Countering Disinformation Act.

Anonymous ID: cd0c6a Aug. 14, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.2597646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7720




thought of this too… 3 actual missles conf last one @ nato vs Russia 2 days ago.


So combining premises which DO rely on assumptions you form picture:


RC plane used as missle? why? dont know but maybe a flashlight for investigators at said area.


Plane crashes might have automatic prompts and investigations from multiple agencies… I dont know what a plane theft and crashes trigger in terms of investigations, but this possibility is very interesing.