Anonymous ID: e14a96 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2597730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Comment Of The Week: American Identity

August 12, 2018 by CH


A worthy COTW winning entry from Jax,


When someone states that “America has no identity” you have to accept you are talking to an ignorant know nothing or conniving jackal. When they say “America is not a nation it’s an idea” you have to accept they are also an idiot and treat them accordingly. Just look at how exporting that “idea” has worked out abroad.


America had an identity. The world knew what an American looked like, sounded like, and even acted like. We had our own culture and lifestyle that was unique to us and both the envy and contempt of our cousins in Europe. Americans were loud, brash, adventurous, and bold. We as a society were conquerors and builders; as a people fearless and courageous. We were given nicknames like “Yankee” and “Gringo,” testaments to that identity Ted and his ilk says doesn’t exist.


Yes, Americans were also defined by their race because the country was in fact mostly white. Do you think over the course of history any foreign people would disagree with that Mr. Lieu?


This Ted Lieu creature knows he spews venomous anti-American poison. He spews it because in his heart he knows he isn’t American and will never be American because he doesn’t meet the definition as defined by precedence. This is why he attacks Laura Ingraham, because he knows she IS an American and in order to redefine “American” so he can be included (and his third world followers) he must conquer and subjugate Laura and her American brethren. Laura’s only crime is that she would dare to stop it.


America, was a collection of all of Europa. The culmination of the adventurous and ambitious diaspora in Europe manifested across the sea as a new distinct people that was forged from the identities of all of Europe. Everyone knew when they had encountered an American, we left a distinct impression wherever we went. That impression was a testament to our identity. And yes, it was real.


America had an identity. What is her identity now? A world market bazaar for the barter of goods, services, and virtue signaling. That’s not an identity anyone would cherish, let alone fight to protect.


Make America Great Again implicitly means giving back an identity to America, one that was stolen from her by rapacious Globohomoists. And identity is inextricable from race; recovering American identity necessarily means recovering America’s predominant Whiteness.


An excellent follow-up comment from Moses,


Long time Asia expat here. Asians are unable to separate race from nationality. “Chinese” are, well, Chinese. Japanese, Japanese. Etc.


To Asians, “American” means “White.” Really.


Asian Americans come over here and try to get jobs at English schools, only to be told that Asian parents prefer White faces (even non-native English speakers) teaching English to their children. Then Asian Americans seethe in anger. Their heads explode, and they find a way to blame and hate Whites even more.


Another funny bit.


Remember when Obama appointed former WA governor Gary Locke, Chinese American, as US Ambassador to China? I guess the geniuses in the Obummer administration thought that would help smooth relations with the Chinese, appointing an ethnic Chinese to the post.


Huge mistake. The Chinese hated Locke.


They could never understand how “one of their own” could represent American interests over Chinese. They hated him. To them, he was the worst kind of race traitor.


Are you getting it yet?


Deep down, Ted Lieu is Chinese. And he KNOWS IT.


This whole “America is only an idea, not a people” thing was thought up and pushed by Fellow Whites. Non-Whites have picked it up like a cudgel against Heritage America.


“Idea America” as a cudgel wielded in eliminationist rage against Identity America is a powerful visual.


Fake News, Fake Americans. The Left is in revolt against Trump because he exposes their fakery, and strikes at the deepest need of Leftists: their unfulfilled quest for authenticity. It’s why the Left has to so heavily lean on equalist boilerplate…they have nothing organic with which to identify.