Anonymous ID: ed92f9 Aug. 14, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.2597608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616 >>7638



Whaaaaaat iiiiiiif….


Freddie Mercury didn't have AIDS… but he was poisoned (Via his Doctor, Atkinson) and ultimately murdered for being too influential and not going along with (((their))) plans?


Michael Jackson… same thing. His body was falling apart because of what (((they))) were doing to him. Whether or not he liked 'em young is a different matter, though I could Pappy Jackson being an MK Ultra/Monarch Handler and it would surprise me if the Jackson 5 were passed around the industry.


Same with Steve Jobs.

Was Apple comped as it is before he died? Not that I recall. And what did he die from? Was it cancer? AIDS? His doctors? If it was the doctors, that might explain why he went with holistic medicine at the end.

Since his death, Apple's become one of the worst companies in existence. But like I wondered… Was it always that way?

Anonymous ID: ed92f9 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.2597678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Freddie Mercury would have been an amazing boon to the homogays… yet right before his death… "Muh AIDS! X_x"… turning him into a symbol highlighting the worst of the qu'er community.


Jackson was going up against not only Sony, but his Masters.

"All I really know is that/ they don't really care about us!"

"Muh Doctor! X_x"


If Apple WASN'T the Chinese Style Digital Social Manipulation Specialists while Steve Jobs was around… that would explain why he'd need to be "removed via natural causes". Disguise the hit… make a spectacle… make him suffer for not going along with (((their))) plans. A warning to anyone who feels they can attempt the same kind of resistance. Gates had been in (((their))) pocket for ages already.


So, again, I ask:

When was the Apple poisoned?

Anonymous ID: ed92f9 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.2597715   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm kind of surprised they don't just put a Internet circa 1994 style "visitor counter"… assuming that none of the normies remember the code or that you can start it wherever you want.


Or just use a shit tone of IP hopping bots for $.01 per view. Or less. Maybe there's a discount when you buy attention in bulk.

Anonymous ID: ed92f9 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.2597928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Omarosa Translation Puzzle/Game

Omarosa doesn't seem to directly translate to anything, though the site thinks it's Italian.


Sooooo… Chop'n'Screw?


Om a rosa (swedish) -About a pink

O ma rosa (portuguese) -The rose

O maro sa (romanian) -It's brown

Oma ro sa (japanese) -Odorama (Smell-o-Vision)


Best one, I think iiiiiis:

O ma ro sa (romanian) -It was me