Anonymous ID: 2eed8f Aug. 14, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.2598556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8570 >>9087

Why is there confusion about the top of the pyramid

If the Pope is the chair, who is the Pindar?


First you have to understand about Khazarian dual kingship. These Turkic people were likely the original steppe warriors who walked into Mesopotamia wearing their armored coats covered with scales made from horse and okapi hoof plates, looking like giant fish. These were the people who formed one of the tribes of the Hebrews, the tribe of the kaghans or Cohens, kohanim in Hebrew.


Simply put, the kaghan who was the ruler by divine right, was a more priestly figure. The bek was the war leader. He was head of the fighters. In a P-celtic language like Welsh, this bek would be called PENDRAGON or PENADUR. The Italic language of the Volsci was also P-celtic and the name was PINDAR.


The word DRAGON is cognate with the Slavic root DRAK which means FIGHT. In Welsh PEN is HEAD. So PENDRAGON simple means head of fighters. And the creature that St George killed was called a dragon because it did not run from man. It was a real FIGHTER, therefore called DRAGON. In reality there were probably several creatures that became merged over time in stories told around the campfire. Look at the old images of the Chinese LUNG dragon. Are those the tusks of a wile boar? Or the tusks of a mammoth long extinct. SLON is the Russian word for elephant seemingly cognate with LUNG because chinese reduces multiple consonants to one.


It would not be out of order to suggest that the Pindar is the Prince of Wales, while the Pope is the kaghan. However it may not be the Prince of Wales that you all know. Stefano Massimo, Prince di Roccasecca dei Volsci is named after a Volscian temple on top of a mountain called the Roccasecca. Remember what Barack Obama means in Hebrew? In any case, the Massimo family is secretive and very powerful. I believe that Volsci is cognate with the word Wales and also the word Wallach used to describe Romania, one part of which is Transylvania where a famous ancestor of Charles Windsor once ruled. Dracula. Also, I believe that UR OF THE CHALDEES, in Mesopotamia, the home of the most powerful sorcerers, is a form of WALES OF THE CELTS. The most powerful people have never been the most numerous and leave only small traces in history, but because they were always very notable to their contemporaries, they do leave traces. I think one reason for the Iraq and Syria wars was to remove archaeological traces of the lineage of these Illuminati.


They know we are on to them.

Anonymous ID: 2eed8f Aug. 14, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2598726   🗄️.is 🔗kun




She is either working for POTUS playing a role in the drama.


Or POTUS knows her very well and knows how to maneuver her

Into doing what he wants her to do in this drama

Even though she thinks she is being clever


So the bottom line is, whichever way you interpret it

POTUS is in control.

Q did tell us All In which should have led you

To the wrestling event ALL IN which has 8 matches

With scripted storylines and drama

Remember POTUS used to be in the Wrestling business

He knows how this game is played.


Trust Q when he says:

You are watching a movie

Anonymous ID: 2eed8f Aug. 14, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.2598955   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If the Payseurs are the former French royal family

And they are mostly in the south

Then they must only be PART of the puzzle.

Likely they only run one Ministry in the Illuminati


Others are higher up in the pyramid


The Massimo family did marry the Bourbon family (French royals) at one point


Here is one dig done on the Massimo family:

The Chair Serves the Master — Black Nobility, Massimo Bloodline, Pope, Jesuits & Q


Remember that if you want to dig on the Payseur family, they are known to hide their traces and even scrub the public record. Perhaps this is one of those areas where Q's advice Their need for symbolism will be their downfall is useful. Perhaps they mark themselves with some symbol from the Bourbon dynasty, perhaps in corporate logos or logos of private foundation? Objects in family portraits?