Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.2598310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323 >>8357 >>8397 >>8800 >>8941 >>8953 >>9044

The entire West Virginia Supreme Court was just impeached. Here’s everything you need to know.



West Virginia lawmakers made a historic decision Monday: They voted to impeach the state’s entire Supreme Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state.

What are the details?


The West Virginia House of Delegates Judiciary Committee approved 14 articles of impeachment against the court’s four sitting justices last week. Their alleged grievances ranged from misusing taxpayer money for office renovations to using state-owned property, including a historic desk, for personal use.


The full House of Delegates considered the articles of impeachment on Monday, ultimately approving 11 of them through a series of votes that fell along party lines, the New York Times reported.


Eight of the articles targeted the court’s chief justice, Allen Loughry, who, according to the Times, has been suspended since June. Among other accusations, he is accused of lying to lawmakers and using state property for his personal use, including vehicles and gas cards.


The remaining justices — acting Chief Justice Margaret Workman and Justices Robin Davis and Elizabeth Walker — were impeached on three articles. Workman and Davis were impeached for overpaying senior status judges on lower courts, while Davis was impeached for misusing $500,000 in taxpayer funds on office renovations.


All four justices were charged with neglect of duty, abusing their power, and failing to reign in the spending of the others, according to NBC News.


The court’s fifth justice, Menis Ketchum, resigned last month before impeachment proceedings began. He has also pleaded guilty to a federal charge of defrauding the state of West Virginia. He faces 20 years in federal prison.


Meanwhile, Loughry, who was already on administrative leave prior to Monday’s developments, is facing a 22-count federal indictment for fraud, witness tampering, lying to federal investigators, and obstruction of justice. His criminal trial is set to begin in October. If found guilty, he faces a maximum sentence of 395 years in prison and a $5.5 million fine.

What happens next?


On Tuesday, Davis announced her resignation from the court, according to the Wall Street Journal. In a statement, the Democratic justice blamed partisan politics for the house cleaning.


“What we are witnessing is a disaster for the rule of law,” she said.


The impeachment process for the three remaining justices will be handed off to the state Senate. The chamber will hold trials for each justice and decide whether they should be expelled from the bench.


Gov. Jim Justice (R) will get to name the replacement for any removed justice. Replacement justices will remain on the bench until an election can be held, according to the Times, which could take more than a year.


Circuit Judge Paul Farrell will preside over the Senate trial, since Workman — who would normally preside over impeachment proceedings as chief justice — cannot rule in her own trial. It was Workman who appointed Farrell to the bench. He was confirmed to the court last Friday on an interim basis.

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.2598313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8358 >>8397 >>8800 >>8941 >>9044

Another Justice Resigns As Lawmakers Impeach The Entire West Virginia Supreme Court


Justice Robin Jean Davis resigned in disgrace from the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals early Tuesday.

Her departure came after the state legislature impeached every member of the state’s highest court.

Spending scandal is the latest in a long history of ethics questions attending Davis’s judicial service.


West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Robin Jean Davis announced her resignation early Tuesday, just hours after the state House of Delegates adopted articles of impeachment against every justice serving on the court.


Her resignation marks the conclusion of two decades on the bench, sometimes marred by scandal.


“We judges weigh evidence as part of our jobs,” Davis said at a Tuesday press conference in Charleston, West Virginia. “Unfortunately, the evidence clearly shows that the preconceived, result-driven mania among the majority party members in the legislature cannot result in a just and fair outcome.”


Her departure from the court took effect on Monday.


Davis and three of her colleagues were impeached in the state legislature late Monday. Chief Justice Margaret Workman and Justices Allen Loughry and Elizabeth Walker will now stand trial in the state senate. The fifth member of the court, Menis Ketchum, resigned on July 27. He is expected to plead guilty to two corruption charges in federal court on Aug. 29.


The impeachment articles allege the justices failed to effectively administer the state courts, approved compensation for senior judges in excess of statutory limits, and abused state resources through lavish renovations to their chambers and unauthorized use of state vehicles for personal travel. (RELATED: West Virginia’s Highest Court Shattered By Corruption Indictment)


GOP Gov. Jim Justice will appoint successors to any justice removed from office following the Senate trial.


Local media and state auditors discovered the justices cumulatively spent over $1 million on furniture and aesthetic upgrades for their state offices — Davis spent some $500,000, according to the impeachment articles, including $23,000 for design services and $20,000 for a sectional carpet.


Davis’s profligate spending is just the latest iteration of her long history of ethical quandaries. Beginning in 2002, The Wall Street Journal reported Davis participated in a case from which her husband, a successful plaintiffs lawyer, stood to benefit financially. A legal ethics expert who taught Davis and her husband at the West Virginia University College of Law said the justice should have recused herself from the matter.


The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in August 2016 that Davis sold her family’s private jet to an attorney named Michael Fuller. Two years after the sale, Fuller defended a $95-million judgment before the West Virginia Supreme Court. Despite the possible conflict, Davis wrote an opinion for the court preserving a significant portion of that award.


TheDCNF uncovered evidence in March 2017 that a Florida-based corporate entity funneled thousands of dollars to her 2012 reelection campaign through an illegal straw donation scheme at the behest of the same attorney to whom Davis sold her plane. (RELATED: New Evidence Of Illegal Donations To West Virginia Judge Emerges)


The West Virginia secretary of state opened an investigation, though charges were never brought because the statute of limitations expired.


Still, a defiant Davis cast her service as honorable Tuesday, and accused state Republicans of concocting a plot to pack the court with conservatives.


“The people of West Virginia have honored me in three separate elections by placing their confidence in me as a justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals,” she said. “I have returned their faith by serving honorably for almost 22 years.”


“I encourage each of you to watch this legislative process very carefully and to vote in November,” she added.

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.2598362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8441 >>8800 >>8941 >>9044

FBI Hack Peter Strzok Thanks Citizens For ‘Fighting For America’ As His GoFundMe Soars Past $300,000


QUESTION: Do you think he is doing this as his assets and funds have been frozen? (via 21 Dec 17 EO)

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.2598377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419 >>8800 >>8941 >>9044

Colorado School District Cancels Monday Classes In Effort To Boost Teacher Morale


A Colorado school district announced Monday it will move to a four-day school week for the upcoming calendar year.

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2598383   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.2598436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8446 >>8455 >>9069

Report identifies more than 1,000 victims of priest abuse


HARRISBURG, Pa. – More than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — were molested by hundreds of Roman Catholic priests in six Pennsylvania dioceses, while senior church officials took steps to cover it up, according to a landmark grand jury report released Tuesday.


The grand jury said it believes the "real number" of abused children might be "in the thousands" since some records were lost and victims were afraid to come forward. The report said more than 300 clergy committed the abuse over a period decades, beginning in the mid-1950s.


Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said the two-year probe found a systematic cover-up by senior church officials in Pennsylvania and at the Vatican.


"The cover-up was sophisticated. And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up. These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation," he said at a news conference in Harrisburg.


Significantly, the report faulted Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former longtime bishop of Pittsburgh who now leads the Washington archdiocese, for what it said was his part in the concealment of clergy sexual abuse. Wuerl, one of the highest-profile cardinals in the United States, released a statement Tuesday that said he had "acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse."


The grand jury scrutinized abuse allegations in dioceses that minister to more than half the state's 3.2 million Catholics. Its report echoed the findings of many earlier church investigations around the country in its description of widespread sexual abuse by clergy and church officials' concealment of it.


Most of the victims were boys, but girls were abused, too, the report said. The abuse ranged from groping and masturbation to anal, oral and vaginal rape.


"Church officials routinely and purposefully described the abuse as horseplay and wrestling and inappropriate conduct. It was none of those things. It was child sexual abuse, including rape," Shapiro said.


The panel concluded that a succession of Catholic bishops and other diocesan leaders tried to shield the church from bad publicity and financial liability by covering up abuse, failing to report accused clergy to police and discouraging victims from going to law enforcement.


Yet the grand jury's work won't result in justice for the vast majority of those who say they were molested by priests as children. While the probe yielded charges against two clergymen — including a priest who has since pleaded guilty, and another who allegedly forced his accuser to say confession after each sex assault — the other priests identified as perpetrators are either dead or will avoid arrest because their alleged crimes are too old to prosecute under state law.


"We are sick over all the crimes that will go unpunished and uncompensated," the grand jury said.


The document comes at a time of renewed scrutiny and fresh scandal at the highest levels of the U.S. Catholic Church. Pope Francis stripped 88-year-old Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of his title and ordered him to a lifetime of prayer and penance amid allegations that McCarrick had for years sexually abused boys and had sexual misconduct with adult seminarians.


Wuerl has come under harsh criticism over his response to the McCarrick scandal, with some commentators questioning his claims of surprise and ignorance over allegations that McCarrick molested and harassed young seminarians.


Wuerl replaced McCarrick as Washington's archbishop after McCarrick retired in 2006.


The Pennsylvania grand jury, convened by the state attorney general's office in 2016, heard from dozens of witnesses and reviewed more than a half-million pages of internal documents from the Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton dioceses.


Some current and former clergy named in the report went to court to prevent its release, arguing it violated their constitutional rights to reputation and due process of law. The state Supreme Court said the public had a right to see it, but ruled the names of priests and others who objected to the findings would be blacked out pending a September hearing on their claims.


The identities of those clergy members remain under court seal.


A couple of dioceses decided to strip the accused of their anonymity ahead of the report and released the names of clergy members who were accused of sexual misconduct. On Friday, the bishop of Pittsburgh's diocese said a few priests named in the report are still in ministry because the diocese determined allegations against them were unsubstantiated.

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.2598498   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is This The Most Important Geopolitical Deal Of 2018?

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2598641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8692 >>8800 >>8941 >>9044

Romanians Out Again over Government Corruption


Once again, tens of thousands of Romanians have taken to the streets demanding the end of corruption in government. At least 450 people were injured in clashes with the police who are still defending the government against the people. We are looking at a worldwide epidemic of corruption in government that has known no bounds. This is part of the very reason why Trump was able to beat every career politician. But like Erdogan, those in power refuse to ever admit that they are the reason for the political changes.


Unfortunately, in the United States, we not only have the police defending the government, we also have the press like CNN, Washington Post, and the New York Times. All they do is try to overthrown Trump instead of looking at the system and WHY he was elected to begin with. They are all supporting the inherent corruption because they like things as they are. What we are witnessing in Romania is also unfolding in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Malaysia, and even in Britain. This is a worldwide political change in trend and we really have to begin to look at the trend and not just the face of Trump.

Anonymous ID: 38c900 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.2598849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa, Democratic Socialists, & New World Order All Want Same Thing: "No Borders, No Wall, No USA At All"


No matter how globalism is repackaged, it always smells the same way in the end.


For decades, the globalists have subtly (or sometimes not so subtly) been moving us toward a world in which national borders have essentially been made meaningless. The ultimate goal, of course, is to merge all the nations of the world into a “one world socialist utopia” with a global government, a global economic system and even a global religion. The European Union is a model for what the elite hope to achieve eventually on a global scale. The individual nations still exist, but once inside the European Union you can travel wherever you want, economic rules have been standardized across the Union, and European institutions now have far more power than the national governments. Liberty and freedom have been greatly restricted for the “common good”, and a giant horde of nameless, faceless bureaucrats constantly micromanages the details of daily life down to the finest details. With each passing day the EU becomes more Orwellian in nature, and that is why so many in Europe are completely fed up with it.