Anonymous ID: 99913c Aug. 14, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2598841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8861

Okay…A report in from a fellow Anon, my most trusted brother in arms for 20+ years. Our NG Unit is in our hometown, and there was a group of 4 soldiers, looking to be E3-E5 guys, and they were talking about MAGA and Trump "this plan he has to save the world."


My friend is a server, a real pro at a great place, and he's been there 40+ hours a week for 7+ years and so he knows just about everyone, as it's a smaller town. So he can tell by the traffic that came down the road, because he PAYS attention to these things (He's also Anon BTW) he saw that there had been a pretty good lineup of NG movement, which would pretty much have to be a special movement this day of the week, and that time of day. It does happen he says, about twice a year, something just goes down at a weird time with the NG, but this was still very odd.


Anyway, he doesn't want to interrupt, because he's listening in to them, not his table, and he was really busy, and when they went to check out, he said, "You guys are Pro MAGA??" And they all replied "Yes". Then he asked, "Do you know of Q Anon??" And they all looked at one another sorta dumbfounded, and then they all told him that they had, "JUST been briefed on a MOVIE on it."


Anon asked them, "A movie??" and they all said yeah. He left it at that because respect. I might have gone further if I were him, but we all play different games.


Take it for what it's worth, no sauce. KEK!!!

Anonymous ID: 99913c Aug. 14, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2598921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8964 >>9007


Gut says it was this one. Unless there had been another one made for NG. The Anon sent me a marco polo, and we're oldguys, but he was GLOWING with his cheeks flushing, SMILING ear to ear. He's never lied to me once. And vice versa. Some of us truly live by codes.


We KNOW something's up. At least at that one NG Unit. Can't take it as anything else, and you all can't even take it as anything else except a crumb. But I'm not going to assume it's all through the military, BUT the way the military is run NOW…


If any Anons have NG/AR friends or family, the next few days might be a good time to reach out gently.



Anonymous ID: 99913c Aug. 14, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.2599046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9083


I agree. Since I KNOW him, I KNOW this is happening. At least ONE group of NG was "briefed" on Q through a "movie".


NOW…This might have been a personal meeting, but Anon is a GREAT interviewer, and he repeated what they said of course, "You were JUST BRIEFED on Q by a MOVIE"?? And they all just nodded and said yes.


Either way…We GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May God Have Mercy On My Enemies, Because I won't-General George S. Patton AND President Donald J. Trump