Anonymous ID: b20469 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.2598530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To kill the fake news with NDA


So you sign the NDA and MSM freak out


(Q 1856)


Trump Campaign Sues Omarosa; 'Millions' Sought Over Broken NDA





you know fake news is going to plant people and pay people to talk


you have them sign NDA than sign NDA again


when they break NDA they get sued


MSM signs contract with leaker to leak


Do you "Leaker" stipulate that MSM pays legal fee?


"should of taken notes from the boss not audio tapes"


Campaign finances Swell cause (((FAKE NEWS))) can't keep from taking the bait.


God Bless Day Shift