Anonymous ID: c6e360 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2598933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8958



how did HRC get involved in the WW pedo network?


saw a notable from a few breads back regarding Watergate as the source of HRC's power (cant find the original post, if you know please link it). I think the post was referring to this article indicating that Nixon was a compd pedo:


The suggestion was the watergate break-in was an op to recover a "book" containing identities of high level pedos and HRC found out and gained unimaginable blackmailing powers


how did HRC go from watergate to CF - and was BC a pawn in HRCs game? at what point did she comp herself? there seems like a lot of dots to connect between then and now…