Anonymous ID: c87c87 Aug. 14, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.2598319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412

And here it is:


She made her mark with an acerbic tongue, sharp elbows and a survive-at-all-costs scheming, and by being, as she wrote in her book, a cat who could “be just as aggressive as any breed of dog (i.e., our male counterparts).” She was modeling the worst of men. She was modeling the essence of Trump himself: mean, bullying, self-interested, self-aggrandizing and rapacious.

Anonymous ID: c87c87 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.2598914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Untold Story About Bruce Ohr


All that you are seeing and hearing these days on Fox News about Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie is only about Russian pro-Hillary Clinton and anti-Trump Russian collusion with former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS? But, there is a much bigger story that Fox News has buried, perhaps because I have been a vocal critic of the network, having found it over the years, particularly under the previous “leadership” of Roger Ailes and his right-hand man Bill Shine, to not having acted ethically toward my clients and others. Much of this is chronicled in my autobiography “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment.” Regrettably, President Trump, based on bad advice, recently appointed Shine Deputy White House Chief of Staff for communications. While at Fox News, Shine is alleged to have intimidated women to keep them quiet and covered up female sexual abuse allegations against Ailes and others at the network.


So let's forget about Fox News for now. The complete untold Bruce Ohr story concerns a man named Peter Paul. Toward the end of the Clinton administration, as President Clinton was leaving office in the months leading up to the January 20, 2000, inauguration of succeeding President George W. Bush, Peter contacted Judicial Watch, claiming that he had the “goods” on the Clintons, evidence that would finally result in criminal charges against them, with resulting jail time. These “goods” were canceled checks, photographs and other evidence showing that Peter was involved with the Clintons in putting on the Hollywood Tribute to Bill Clinton, where many famous movie stars and entertainers feted the 42nd president in Tinsel Town as he was about to leave office. Paul told us that the money he generated from the event, about $2 million, was intended to and was pumped into the then-U.S. Senate campaign of retiring First Lady Hillary Clinton. Interestingly, Paul also advised that he had used a company he created, Stan Lee Media, with the famous comic book genius Stan Lee of Spiderman fame, to generate the monies to help elect Hillary.


If Paul’s allegations were true, these monies constituted illegal “hard money” campaign contributions and could potentially be criminal in nature, as the legal limit to contribute to a political campaign at that time was generally a mere $2,000. But what was the motive for Paul to come see me at Judicial Watch, a fierce perceived adversary of the Clintons? What Peter told us was that he was currently under criminal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for alleged securities fraud in the use of Stan Lee Media to put on the Hollywood Tribute. In exchange for providing evidence of Clinton crimes that could ultimately hold them accountable under the rule of law, Paul, as a quid pro quo, asked that we represent him to try to quash DOJ’s criminal investigation and, if an indictment later resulted, to wage a vigorous criminal defense for him in federal court.


In this regard, I approached the Bush Justice Department, then headed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, to seek a cooperation agreement which would allow Paul to get immunity for his alleged crimes in exchange for him providing the evidence to indict and convict Hillary Clinton for criminal campaign finance offenses. And who did the attorney general assign, through the chief of DOJ’s Criminal Division Michael Chertoff, to head this probe, none other than his chief of the department’s Organized Crime Task Force, Bruce Ohr.

In addition to providing evidence of Clinton crimes, Paul also came forward and revealed the criminal activities of a man who was a dual Mafia-FBI informant who had somehow had been embedded into Stan Lee Media. Importantly, this Mafia- FBI informant — someone in the mold of infamous Whitely Bolger, Jr. in Boston — had also worked under both Chertoff and Ohr at DOJ.


But rather than using the evidence that Paul provided to Ohr to pursue the Clintons and the dual Mafia-FBI informant, the Bush Justice Department indicted Paul instead. At the time of the indictment, Paul was in Brazil promoting another one of his companies. He was arrested by Brazilian law enforcement at the request of DOJ and incarcerated in a Brazilian prison to await extradition to the United States.
