Anonymous ID: fc3d25 Aug. 14, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.2598598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8779 >>8854


I think there are dots you are missing that might help.


The supposed pilot is where all cabal FF victims go.


The event (according to clues dropped) was to be a missile into a building (or some other great damage) by a controlled Q400.


The good guys took control. Did the loops and barrel roll and a Q, and then crashed it into Ketron, where they needed to get people anyway.


The grieving widow is a cabal-paid grieving widow.


Don't understand this one:


>3. Admittedly fake news did report one in the wreckage brother.


Bet it's meant to say something else?


Here's one that's been haunting me - what if the plane was occupied, and the crazy baggage guy was mk ultra and breaking through now and then.


He knew something was wrong with him and didn't understand WHY he was doing this. But first bad guys controlled the plane and then good guys controlled the plane.


So there may have been a victim, though I doubt he was born with the name that was reported.


This one is thick. But SOMEONE challenged me to prove that Q400s had remote control abilities a few days ago, and the more I dig, the more I believe it to be the case. There are tiny proofs in some of the reading posted here. That image proof dropped Sunday night is my biggest clue that I'm not hitting my head against the wall.