Q–Ask POTUS why we can't have free and fair elections THe gold standard in election integrity are paper ballots, publicly counted. Kris Kobach is a swampcreature! We Can trust KANSAS
ris Kobach is trying to get ‘crosscheck’ implemented in all 50 states but it has been shown that his so-called ‘cross check’ is DEEPLY flawed and is basically an attempt to wipe voter rolls, and keep people from being able to vote.
Kris Kobach KS AG has tried to silence a mathmatician, BETH CLARKSON, who says MAJOR voter irregularities on central tabulator voting machines THAT are “STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE” keep recurring. Ties to election fraud.
Central tabulator systems are the problem and can be easily hacked two ways:
Central tabulators transmit results to online Election Night Reporting Systems, creating opportunity for internet hacking of voting machine tallies.
Results from the precincts are often transmitted into a central tabulator over a local area network, so that the “chain-of-custody of the images is not provable, and images may be manipulated in transmission by network-based attacks.” https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/jillstein/pages/26798/attachments/original/1480973902/Wisconsin_Hursti_Affidavit_11-28-16_(00268311x9CCC2).pdf?1480973902 …