Anonymous ID: 261124 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.2602878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Many years ago I thought of myself as a political junkie. Would make sure I was home to watch the network's 'Evening News.' During a commercial I would flip to one of the other networks hoping to catch another active story during the break. This was when there were only, primarily, ABC, NBC and CBS. For those with cable there was Ted Turner's CNN.


Over the years what I began to notice was that, regardless of which channel I was watching, the stories reported were the same, only presented in different orders. The networks would often include an original 'human interest ' type segment to conclude the broadcast (On the road with….). The commercial breaks were also timed such that switching channels had no noticeable effect as they were timed to coincide with one another. Networks didn't steal viewers from one another. They would build up a personality, say Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather and one was expected to pick their favorite presenter. Neilson ratings would be announced and 'shake-ups' would take place. I never understood more than that but I realized something was at play. I speculated that they might have been spying on each other's newsrooms. As viewership has decreased, and with the narrative slipping away, they have become more desperate. Now it was the first female anchor, with Katie Couric! Then Diane Sawyer! Only later did I wake up, and having taken the red pill, begin to understand it was all a scripted act….4am talking points and such (as a side I am beginning to believe the NFL is as scripted).

This is what I think Q means by affiliateA, affiliateB, affiliateC (ABC/CBS/NBC). Many people now also realize the New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and others are nothing more than comped propaganda outlets, inherently biased and incapable of honest reporting. Though I will post another theory on MOS later, the suggestion that it means, at least by one interpretation, Media Object Server (protocol), helping to enable top-down, across-the-board automation for disseminating the news, is a fascinating theory. The Matrix truly has become an 'Internet of Things.'

