Anonymous ID: 60be19 Aug. 14, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.2602317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331 >>2358 >>2412 >>2484 >>2675 >>2676 >>2850 >>2893 >>2931


  1. Clown Camps & Operations are running all over the USA even now like the one in New Mexico that was just busted

  2. I mentioned something about why they are not being shut down 2 weeks back or so.

  3. Only days later we see they bust a Clown MK Ultra/School Shooter Operation in New Mexico

  4. Then we see what will happen everywhere else in the country. (THEY WILL BE LET GO BY A CLOWN JUDGE)

  5. So we can pretty well be assured that the Clowns have operations going on where [THEY] have a compromised JUDGE presiding over


We Can't Have Arrests Until We Clean Out the Clown Judges


Clown Judges were appointed during Bush/Clinton/Obama years.

FBI did background checks on Judges they appointed.

Only Judges Who Where Comped Were Appointed If Possible


In this way Clowns could operate in these areas untouched for the most part.


(light bulb just went off and I connected the dots)


Moreover - if we want to know where there will be a compromised Judge? Maybe look at the maps that show you where there are Muslim training camps.


Perhaps in the same jurisdictions you will find other Clown Ops

Perhaps in the same jurisdictions you will find other Clown Ops

Perhaps in the same jurisdictions you will find other Clown Ops

Perhaps in the same jurisdictions you will find other Clown Ops

Anonymous ID: 60be19 Aug. 14, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.2602794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Such as?

What did you do?

Did watch while they killed children?

30 years. That's a long ass time buster.

How can you cope that long?

How can you repress?

What sort of "outlet" do you have to have in order to cope.